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{~song for chapter: Million Reasons-Lady Gaga~}
Kimani's POV:
~3 months later~
It's the day before the wedding.
It's any day now until I give birth & I'm excited to see my baby.
Penelope isn't showing at all..but I felt a kick yesterday night.
I rub my belly smiling like a idiot.
Jack's mother is away from the kingdom..
She's in Amsterdam for a important meeting with someone.
I find a wrapped box on my nightstand & I sigh.
It must be Jack.
For the last 3 months now he's been sending me gifts.
I unwrap it & find a gorgeous necklace.
Although it's probably from him.
I figured I should put it on.
As I'm struggling to put on the necklace..
Jack rushes into my room like a lightning bolt & closes the door shut
"Mother's gone & Penelope's at the golf course." He says & hugs me tightly.
He tries to kiss me but I move my face away quickly..
"Jack..we mustn't do this on the night before your wedding. Actually..we shouldn't do this ever. Jack I'll admit to you. I still have feelings for you okay? There I said it..but I'll only stay with you..if you end this madness & settle with me..in a simple way of living. I know it's a bit selfish to ask such a big task from you..but it's either you love me or you love her. I love Penelope like my own sister..that's why I will not let the hurting continue." I say & walk away from him..
As I'm walking down the hallway..
I hear footsteps behind me & I turn my head to see that he's right behind me.
I sigh loudly & he continues following me..
We walk into the library & he looks at me.
He places his hand over my cheek & caresses it softly.
His fingers feel like butter & I look at him.
His expressions appear as if..he's mesmerized by me.
"Lets start over then..hello I'm Jack Gilinsky..unfortunately I was born into a royal dysfunctional family & I'm forced to marry a childhood friend. Nice dress btw" he says
I look at him & he grabs my hand
"Mani..I know you haven't lost that spark yet..please.." he says
"I can't be with you ever if you marry her Jack..I'll lose my child if you marry her" I say
"Our child." He corrects & clears his throat
"Whatever..I need some reasons why I should stay with you & what would you sacrifice..because I sacrificed far too much to be here with you Jack." I say tearing up at the last part.
"She knows your okay tho.." he says referring to my mother.
"But what if she isn't..what if she's sick? It's all my fault." I say bursting into tears.
I'm willing to walk away from everything he has put me through & move on to a new chapter in my life.
I'm willing to stay by myself for a period of self time.
My emotions ate up all of my time & I never really once figured out why..
I needed time alone.
I'm pregnant due to give birth & it's a hard period in my life.
As I'm branching into motherhood.
Something I didn't think would happen yet..so unexpected & so unplanned.
Yet it seems right.
Jack on the other hand..
If he marries her & moves on..I will too..
By myself with my child.
She's pregnant which means I'll hopefully be able to bring my baby back with me.
During the hardest times of my life..I have no one & no one seemed to lend themselves out to help.
So I naturally tried to overcome it..but it's so hard.
If I keep letting him break my heart..I'm not hurting him or her.
I'm hurting myself.
I'm self neglecting my pride for a man who's a heartbreaker.
I never saw Jack like that but it's time I saw it guess..
He was such a charmer with me.
I fell for that charm..
-9 months ago-
I look up & I see the same guy from yesterday.
"I'm here to pick up a Kimani Rhodes." I hear my name being said
I stand up raising my hand
"I'm here." I say blushing
"Do you know him?" Professor Collins says to me
"Yes sir." I say nodding
"Shall we my lady?" The guy says again.
I nod & follow him out of the classroom.
I walk down the lonely hallway with him & I sigh out loudly.
"What seems to be the problem?" He asks
"Well..why are you here? Don't you have royal things to do?" I say frowning
"I came to pick you up." He says smiling
"Yes..but why?" I ask looking at him
"My lady..-"
"Stop saying that. Just say my name. Kimani. Or "Mani" or short." I say sighing
"Mani..we are due for our date." He says
"Excuse me?" I say shocked a little
"You said you had a fun time last night." He says grabbing ahold of my hand
"Yes..but what made you think I would want to go on a date with you?" I tell him smirking
"Because I know things.." he says smirking & moves towards me.
"Alright. I'll go with you on that little date you've planned. But what time will I be picked up? Will I be picked up by a horse & carriage?" I say smirking
"No..by a limo." He says smiling
"Oh.." I say even though the last part was a complete joke.
I wasn't expecting that answer.
"I'll pick you up by 6:00pm I hope you'll be ready." He says
"That sounds lovely." I say smiling
"May I walk you home?" He asks & I nod
~at home~
I walk up to my front door..
"Well thank you. I'll see you later." I say & turn my back to open the door
He stops me & turns me around
"Wait..I'd like to do something." He says
"Okay.." I say but it comes out more of a question.
I questioned the outfit I chose before I left the house.
Its a mid length light blue plaid skirt & white long sleeved shirt
With white lace stockings underneath
He leans in closer to me & holds my hands
His hands are so soft
They are like a baby's bottom..no scratch that..
like pure silk.
"Have you ever kissed someone?" He asks randomly
I nod
"So it wouldn't be weird if I wanted to kiss you right now" he says holding my hand firmly
"No..but before we do..I must know..is there anyone in your life?" I ask him moving away a bit.
I can't be with him..if he is with someone.
I refuse to be "that girl"..
I refuse to be a home wrecker.
He shakes his head & smiles at me
"Nope." He says & pulls me closer to him.
His tall structured body made it hard for me to lean in.
So he bends down a little & wraps his arms around me.
He leans closer to me & presses his lips against mine.
I peck his lips at first & it becomes a soft yet passionate kiss.
It felt like heaven.
I couldn't really describe it & I wanted it to continue further.
He stops & kisses my forehead
"I'll see you tonight. At 9pm. Meet me at the drive in movie theater." He says breathless & nearly falls down as he walks backward.
He smiles & I blush.
~flashback over~
"Mani?" He says snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yes..um..Jack listen. We can't be together ever...so that's why I mustn't be at your wedding. It'll save a lot of awkwardness & tension." I say frowning
I wanted to go..but if it means Jack can't control himself around me.
I refuse to be there.
I cannot let something go wrong or else it'll be everywhere..
"You must..because..I love you Kimani Rhodes" he yells out & I freeze.
"You what?" I say trying not to blush.
"I love you..I'm madly in love with you...I wanna be here for you & our unborn child. I'm to blame for the night that got us in this predicament..I should've put a condom on..but I don't regret this..because I still have a shot with you." He says
"No you don't Jack..the wedding is-" I'm interrupted by him kissing me.
He holds me in his embrace & I struggle to get out of his grip.
I end up kissing him back & I feel all the goosebumps I felt the first time we kissed.
I feel like I'm flying in mid air & the room is spinning around us.
Like we are the only ones in the room.
~later in the day~
I hear screams & cries from downstairs.
"She must go" I hear Jack's mother say pissed off
"Mother she is 9 months pregnant with my child!" Jack says protesting against his mother
"No! Have you seen the news..that's it we're done for." She says.
I lock my door & I slide down the door...
Oh god everyone knows..
"Is everything okay?" I ask Jack worriedly
"No..paparazzi caught us kissing & it's all over the place." He says covering his face in embarrassment
"What are we gonna do? There goes my chance of becoming king." He says
"What's that suppose to mean?..wait a minute this isn't about the two countries is it? It's about your damn selfish ways of being..you wanna be king..but in order to be king you have to marry right??" I say pissed off
"Trust me I would've married you. But you were on the other side of the globe" he says
"You know what? Screw you Jack! I'm leav-"
"No please don't go..we'll try to settle this" Penelope says begging me to stay.
"No let her go Penelope she's a worthless piece of trash like you..getting pregnant by someone else..disgusting" Jack's mother says rolling her eyes
"Mother I'm going to speak & your going to listen" Jack says
We all sit down & look at him.
"She is the mother to my child. She is staying here until she gives birth. She will bring her baby back to America. I'll try to visit it" he says
"Try? I don't want you near that thing" his mother says scoffing
"That thing is your grandchild no matter what..if you like or you don't. That's my child." He says crossing his arms & looking at her.
"The wedding will go on..let the haters keep talking. We'll ignore them. That's all we can do" he says
"You know what? She's right..I'll go. I shouldn't had came in the first place!" I say in tears & rush up the stairs.
I'm in my room & I'm sitting at the edge of the bed.
My eyes are still watery & my hands are shaky..
Everyone knows.
The entire world knows I'm pregnant with his child.
I hear the door open & I see Jack in front of me.
He grabs one of the chairs & sits in front of me.
"Please don't leave.." he says frowning
"But Jack this is now public..everyone will shame me." I say covering my face
He uncovers my face with his hands & lifts my chin up with his finger
"At least your not Monica Lewinsky..." he says giggling
I stay serious & keep looking around the room.
I feel like a Monica in this situation.
"You know nothing will change my feelings for you." He says
"Oh please give that up...your getting married tomorrow Jack. It's better this way. You go marry her & I'll raise our child." I say
"I'm leaving to America after the wedding" I say & stand up from the bed.
I walk over to my vanity & stand in front of it.
I wipe my tears & I feel his arms around me.
I swat his hands away & he stares at me
"Out." I say sternly
"OUT!" I scream & he walks out of my room.
I sniffle & look in the mirror.
What have you done to yourself woman?...
{~You're giving me a million reasons to let you go..You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show..You're givin' me a million reasons..Give me a million reasons..Givin' me a million reasons..About a million reasons..If I had a highway, I would run for the hills..If you could find a dry way, I'd forever be still...But you're giving me a million reasons..Give me a million reasons..Givin' me a million reasons..About a million reasons..I bow down to pray...I try to make the worst seem better..Lord, show me the way...To cut through all his worn out leather...I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away...But baby, I just need one good one to stay...~}
I love you all so much❤️💋💘✨
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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