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{~song for the chapter: Not Today-Imagine Dragons~}
Kimani's POV:
~hours later~
I listen to the doctor's instructions & it all goes so fast..
It was faster than I thought..
I take a deep breath in & exhale slowly...
After many pushes & what seemed like too many hours..
I hear loud cries from below me & the doctor stands up with our baby.
I tear up looking at it & Jack's a crying mess looking at it.
"Congratulations it's a girl." The doctor says smiling & goes to clean up our brand new daughter.
I look at Jack & he wipes my forehead
"Your all sweaty" he says giggling
"Thank you so much" I say sarcastically & smacking his arm playfully
"I'm surprised you still have energy" he says raising a eyebrow at me
"You haven't seen me then..I got trophies in track meets. I have more energy than a normal person." I say laughing & he looks at me like he's staring at a diamond.
He holds my hand & the doctor walks in with our freshly clean daughter.
He hands me her & I hold her in my arms for the first time.
It's a emotional experience for me.
I've carried her for 9 long months & she's finally here.
I look at her tiny wrinkly fingers,her precious little face,her adorable little body & most of all..I can't get over how she's smiling already.
I kiss her tiny fingers & Jack plays with them.
"What should we name her?" He asks me
"Hmm.." I let out & stay thinking
I finally decide a name & I look at him smiling.
Then I look over at our beautiful creation.
"Isabella Mia Gilinsky" I say smiling from cheek to cheek.
~2 days later~
I'm dressed up & almost ready to get discharged from the hospital.
Jack looks at me frowning..
Since in 4 days I'll be leaving to America.
"She's too young for you flying across the globe." He says holding Bella in his arms
"Bella will be fine..I'll cover her up. I know how cold it is over there..plus I have to..,it's Christmas time..you wouldn't want to be far away from your family would you jack?" I say holding his hand
He sighs loudly
"I'll miss you so much mani..you truly made these past 9 months so much better." He says
"It wasn't so much fun for me." I say frowning & looking down at the floor.
I'm forever known as the mistress thanks to the paparazzi.
The scandal is still very alive & everyone mentions it too many times..
It's embarrassing that I'm the middle of it all..
"I promise the next time you'll see me..I'll be with you permanently" he says leaning closer to me
"Jack your so cute..don't worry..we'll be okay" I say & peck his lips.
I stay silent & grab Bella.
I hold her in my arms & Jack signs the discharge papers for me.
We walk out to see..
Penelope & Johnson waiting for us with the limo parked.
"Shouldn't you two lovebirds be on honeymoon?" I ask her & she gasps seeing Bella
"She's beautiful." She says & touches Bella's fingers
"We were supposed to be..but Penelope insisted on seeing you before we go." Johnson says smiling
"Oh...Penelope that's so sweet. When will you be back?" I ask her
"In a week." She says smiling
My smile drops & she notices quickly.
She pulls me to the side..
leaving the boys to talk ..
"What's wrong?" She asks me
"I'm leaving in 4 days to America." I say frowning
"Oh dear!.." she says & she reaches into her dress.
She pulls out a bracelet & places it on me.
"I wanted to give you this..but since your leaving..keep this as a reminder of me." She says tearing up a little & I tear up.
I hug her tightly & I reach into my pocket.
I pull out a bracelet with "Kiki" written on it.
Kiki being my childhood nickname & I hand it to her.
She smiles
"What's this?" She asks me
"It's a bracelet with my nickname..so you'll remember me." I say
"I'll always remember you..your not hard to forget" she says giggling & slips the bracelet on.
"But I'll keep it..since I gave you my bracelet" she says & hugs me tightly.
~4 days later~
I roll my luggage down the stairs & Jack has Bella in her baby carrier.
The queen doesn't bother looking at me
As she sits down in a desk that's nearby the door.
"I guess this is goodbye miss." Julian says frowning & I nod
I hug him tightly & he smiles at me.
Rip sniffles & I smile big
"Rip..are you crying?" I ask him raising a eyebrow at him
He shakes his head & turns his head.
I see him wipe his tears & he turns back to me.
"If I am..it's only because you've matured into a beautiful woman." He says & extends his arms out
I hug him tightly
"Your like my father Rip..besides my step father who's also like my father to me. I miss my actual dad." I say
"Where is he?" He asks me & I point to the ceiling.
He catches on & nods
"I'm sorry for your lost." He says & I nod wiping a tear.
As I remember him..
I say goodbye to everyone & walk outside.
I step into the limo & Jack & Rip drive me to the airport.
~at the airport~
My luggage has been claimed & I'm at the gate.
Jack is holding Bella in his arms.
"Jack...I wanna thank you for letting me stay with yo-"
"Don't thank me..it's my duty." He says smiling
I smile looking at the floor.
"Jack your not the only one who's feeling this way" I say
"But why do you have such strong feelings for me? I'm a simple New England college girl who is struggling to find work..plus I'm very bland & plain..being with you made me a different person. A person I didn't know I was..but it's better that we end this officially..because this...us..it's just so damn complicated..I just wish..it wasn't-"
I'm interrupted by him kissing me & I stand there frozen.
I eventually kiss him back & I pull away quickly
"The baby.." I say awkwardly & grabbing Bella.
Poor baby saw all of that.
"Remember the promise I made you.." he says sighing & grabbing my hand
"I do..like I said Jack..don't worry..you can visit us whenever you want." I say
"As long as we don't interfere with your duties." I add
"Mani..there's something I have to ask you." He says
"Yes Jack?" I say looking at him
Before he could speak..
"Flight 393: gate 10: soon to be lifting off..all passengers please board the plane" I hear on the loudspeaker
I walk back over to Jack & cup his face
"One last time.." I say & kiss him.
This kiss felt more passionate than our past ones.
There was a meaning behind it & I didn't want to find out.
He holds my hands & kisses my hand
"I guess this is goodbye mani.." he says
"I guess it is.." I say frowning
"Bye Bella I'll see you soon princess" he says & kisses her fingers
He looks at me & caresses my cheek
"Goodbye Mani.." he says frowning with tears building up in his eyes
"Goodbye Jack.." I say & hug him tightly..
Tears escape my eyes & roll down my cheek.
I wipe them quickly so he won't see my tears.
I pull apart from him & I board the plane.
With Jack waving at me slowly..
Time to go back home..
{~There she goes in front of me...Take my life and set me free again...We'll make a memory out of it...Holy road is at my back..Don't look on, take me back again...We'll make a memory out of it...We finally fall apart and we break each other's hearts...If we wanna live young, love, we better start today...It's gotta get easier, oh easier somehow..'Cause I'm falling, I'm falling...Oh easier and easier somehow...Oh I'm calling, I'm calling...And it isn't over, unless it is over...I don't wanna wait for that...It's gotta get easier and easier somehow...But not today...Not today....~}
I love you all so much❤️💋💘✨
Tagged favs;❤️
Peace & Love💙

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