Emal from @wehateEdan!

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I was still high from the hype out on stage. The girls and I made our way back to the bus to clean up before our meet and greet. I always looked forward to meeting the fans at the end of our shows. They were honestly some of the best people you could meet. So sweet and supportive of us. In all honesty we would be nothing without them. I was first into the shower since the girls were doing whatever out in the living area. Washing the sweat off my body with my vanilla body wash I smile as the scent filled my nose. I've always loved vanilla. It reminds me of home... shaking my head I finish my shower before getting out. Drying my body I pull on a lace crop top and black ripped high waisted shorts. I turn on my dryer and quickly dry my hair before heading out.

The girls were showered, dressed and ready for our meet and greet. Heading across the venue I pull on my jacket and hug it close to my body.
I smile at the fans as we stand beside a table. Each fan slowly came up and we signed each of their things. As one girl comes up she drops her purse and a bunch of her money fell out. Tears welled up in her eyes and she quickly crouches down to pick up her money. Crouching down I help her pick up her money and I could see her small hands shaking. I heard her sniffle and I knew she was upset. Once she finally stood back up she looks at the floor in embarrassment. "Hey it's alright I do that all the time. I'm the worst person to take out shopping." I say and Taylah laughs at my statement. "She really is. This one time she dropped thirty dollars worth of coins at the cash register and held everyone up for ten minutes." Taylah laughs and the girl smiles as I take the things from her hands. I do my signature before paying my attention back to the girl in front of me. "Did you want a photo?" I ask pointing at her camera and she shyly nods. Taking her camera and holding it out she wraps her arms around me and buries her head in my chest. Kissing the top of her head and closing my eyes I take the picture and the girl pulls away. Her cheeks red and a smile spread across her pale lips. "Thank you." She mumbles before taking her things and leaving.

Signing the last fans poster and taking photos our guard escorts us to the bus. Getting on the bus I go to my bunk and get changed into my pyjamas. Laying in my bunk I grab my laptop and go through my emails. As I scrolled through the emails I come across an email address called @wehateEDAN!. I already knew this had bound to be an old school enemy or some psycho hater. Clicking on it I see the message pop up and boy was the message long.

Dear Edan,

I hope you know that we hate your guts. Your a lying, backstabbing and manipulative cow. The people in your band do drugs, you are a dirty slut and your music is crap. Why don't you just crawl back under the rock you came from? Your nothing and you don't have any talent. All your music is auto tuned and you lip sing at your shows. Everyone who looks up to you is either just as pathetic as you or you've done a fantastic job at twisting their minds. No sane person would think of you as a role model. Hell half the girls who wish they were you I pity. Your the ugliest person I've seen and to think people wanna look like you makes me sick. Just do the world a favour and kill yourself. You wouldn't be missed.

I harshly shut my laptop and threw in to the side. Getting out of my bunk I walk out into the lounge to see the girls snorting lines. They girls all looked up at me then at the drugs on the table. "That shit better be gone by the time I'm back." I say as I walk down to the bunk and get changed into a pair of leggings and a baggy jumper. Storming off the bus I head down the dimly lit street of Chicago. As I walked I thought about the email I received. Should I listen to what this person had to say? Was it weak of me if I did just give up? I mean I've lost my parents, my brother hates my guts and the rest of my family has disowned me. There was honestly no place to call home, no family to be by my side and I'm sure the family wouldn't be too upset if I killed myself. Sighing I look at my phone and see I've been walking for twenty minutes. I wasn't familiar with the streets of Chicago so I decided to turn around and go back to the bus.

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