Dear Diary (1 Direction Fanfic)

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I sat cross-legged on my soft bed and sighed happily as I pulled out my diary. I listened to "3" by Britney Spears and danced in place as I started to write.

Dear Diary,

So... Today is June 18, 2014. Today is the day I've been looking forward to since like... Forever. I'M GOING TO LONDON FOR A WEEK AND A HALF! I got all A's and B's in my classes, so my parents are rewarding me by allowing me to take a trip to London with my class! And my best friend Sadie is coming and we're rooming together! I am soooo excited. FINALLY! A positive entry, right? Ha! Well, time to go to carpool with Sadie to the school, then off to the airport, so I gotta go! I'll write later ok? Ttyl!


I grabbed my suitcase, backpack and my duffel off the chair and skipped down the stairs. "Bye mom. Love you" I smiled. "Bye Scarlett, have a great time in London hon. Call/text me everyday" she grinned, kissing my forehead. "Mom" I said. "Yes?" "Don't call me Scarlett. You know I only like to be called Scout" I smirked. I'm a total tomboy. "I know. I just like to bug you" she smiled and gave me a final hug before I was out the door. "Love you Scarlett!" She laughed. I turned and stuck my tongue out at her jokingly as I ran to my friend's mom's car. My mom and I have an amazing relationship, so we can mess around like that, which I am so grateful for. I wouldn't trade my my mom for anything. Anyway, I listened to my playlist of favorite songs. "Hey! Excited?" Sadie grinned in the dim, early morning light. "Totally! I got up at 4:15 for this, and you know me, I like to sleep in" I joked. We laughed, talked, slept, and joked around until we got to the school, where we would meet up with the teachers and the rest of the class to make sure we're all here.


We got out of the car and the teachers took headcount, then we got into our separate cars, and carpooled to the airport. "Bye mom" Sadie waved and kissed her mother on the cheek before we climbed out of the car. "Bye girls, be good and have fun" she waved. "We will mom" Sadie smiled. "Bye Ms. Andrews" I smiled. "Bye Scout. Watch after Sadie, ok?" She joked. "I will" I laughed, shutting the car door and linking my arm with Sadie's as we walked into the huge airport. "Ready for this?" Sadie asked. "Not at all" I shook my head.

--on the plane--

I looked out the window before we took off. Everyone in the class was blabbering and giggling as the plane lurched forward. Why did I agree to this?! There's one thing about me, I am TERRIFIED of being in a plane. I know traveling by plane is the safest way to travel, but it still scares the hell out of me. "Hey, Scout" my friend Anastasia whispered. "Hm?" I responded, drawn out of my thoughts. "You alright?" She asked. "I... Yeah... I'm fine. Thanks" I forced a smile. "You sure?" She pressured. "I'm fine Stasia... Just a little nervous... Planes kinda scare me" I said embarrassedly. "You want me to get Mrs. Jones?" She asked, concerned. "No Stasia. It's fine. I'll be ok" I nodded. The truth was, I didn't want to draw attention to myself, but... I probably would, considering I'd probably have a panic attack. 'Just breathe. Don't look outside. Just breathe. Relax. Close your eyes. Breathe' I instructed myself. And I did. I closed my eyes, took deep breaths, and thought of other things as the plane sped up. I gripped the armrests on either side of me as we lifted off the ground. I couldn't help it, my breathing quickened, my palms started sweating, I felt like I was going to be sick. Apparently Sadie noticed, because she put a hand on my arm in an attempt to reassure me. "Scout, its okay. Look. It's okay. We're fine. You're safe. You can look now" she whispered. I drew in a shaky breath and peeked out the window. I immediately regretted it. The plane swerved and dipped slightly, but enough to be noticed. I let out a small squeal without meaning to. I put my head in my clammy hands. Don't. Freak. Out Scout. Calm down. It's okay. "Sadie" I muttered. "You ok?" She asked, placing a hand on my back. I shook my head. "Get Mrs. Jones" I heard her mutter to Anastasia. I was beginning to hyperventilate. I felt lightheaded. "Hey. Hey. Scarlett. You ok sweetie?" Mrs. Jones sweet, calm voice sounded next to me. I shook my head. "It's okay. You're okay. Breathe" she instructed as I silently sobbed into my hands. "What's wrong sweetie?" She asked. "She's scared of planes" Sadie answered for me. Remind me to thank her later. "It's okay Scarlett" Mrs. Jones soothed. I didn't even correct her to call me Scout. I looked up at her and wiped my eyes. "Here, drink some water" she smiled slightly, handing me a small plastic cup filled halfway with water. I nodded gratefully and took the cup, sipping slowly. "Better?" She asked after I had a few minutes to drink and settle down. "Yeah... Thank you" I nodded. "Alright. Let me know if you need anything else Scarlett" she winked. Oooh that sneaky little. "Scout" I corrected jokingly. "You alright?" Sadie asked. "I'm okay now. At least I didn't scream this time" I said, cracking a smile. "Yeah. Remember Disney world?" She laughed. "Don't remind me" I rolled my eyes. When we were 7, our families went to Disney world in Florida and I had a full-on panic/anxiety attack. I screamed, cried, threw up, and then fainted. It was awful. I was near that point until I got water. "Wanna watch movies?" She smiled. "Yeah" I nodded, turning the TV on the back of the seat in front of me on. I watched Carrie and Sadie watched Endless Love. I fell asleep in the middle of the third movie I was watching- it was a looooong flight. From Nevada to London is 10 hours and 58 minutes, so, I could watch lots of movies. And sleep. So, since we got on the plane at 7:20 AM, we wouldn't get to London until about 6 PM our time, but 11 PM London time (author note- I'm bad at math, and I did that in my head... So if I got it wrong, pretend I didn't. Lol), I could catch up on some needed Z's.

--plane landing--

"Scout. Wake up" Sadie muttered. "Hm?" I moaned sleepily. I had been having a weird dream about a book called Teardrop (one of my fave books ever), and I wanted to finish it. "We're here" she said excitedly. "Wha?" I said, still groggy and confused from sleep. "London" she said slowly. "We're here?" I groaned. "Yeah, now get upppp" she shoved me. "I'm up" I whined, standing up and stretching. "How long was I out?" I yawned. "About... Lets see... 3 and a half hours" Anastasia answered from next to me. "Yeah... I was tired" I shrugged, dragging my suitcase from the overhead compartment. I grabbed all of my bags and we exited the plane. London was gorgeous! Even the airport was pretty! "Guys?" I said to Sadie and Anastasia. "Yeah?" Sadie responded. "I think I'm gonna like it here" I grinned and they chuckled. "Me too Scout. Me too" Anastasia smiled. "Same here" Sadie said in awe as we followed out teacher out to the bus that would take us to our hotel.

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