Chapter 2-

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I looked around in awe as we all started walking into one of the best hotels London has to offer. And me being me and flighty/unfocused, I slammed right into somebody. "Oh... I'm so sorry. I'm clumsy and flighty/unfocused" I blushed, not looking up. "It's okay love" an Irish voice chuckled as I started to walk away. Wait a burger flipping minute... I knew that voice all too well. I spun around and looked into the most incredible blue eyes. "Well hi there" I said. "Hi" Niall Horan waved. Oh my godddddd. I looked at my feet. Feet are cool. "So, what's your name?" He asked. "Oh.. I'm Scarlett. But, everybody calls me Scout because I'm not very girly and the name Scarlett seems too frilly and stuff" I answered. Play it cool Scout. Play. It. Coooool. "I assume you know who I am" Niall said. "Yep" I smiled and tried to hide my blushing. I was about to say something else when Mrs. Jones screamed at me to come inside. "One minute!" I yelled back. "Sorry about that. I'm here with my class for like... A week and a half, so... I better go" I shrugged apologetically as I turned to walk away. "Wait! Here" Niall pulled me back and handed me a slip of paper. I grinned and opened the crinkled notebook paper. I nearly had a heart attack. Oh my cheese biscuits and grits, Niall Horan just gave me his number. "Thanks. Here" I nodded, about to scribble down my number and give it to him, when my teacher grabbed me by the wrist (which I winced at) and dragged me against my will into the hotel. "I'll text you" I mouthed. Niall laughed and nodded as the doors shut behind Mrs. Jones and I. "What do you think you were doing?" She asked sternly. "Talking" I shrugged. "You are on this trip for educational purposes, not to be flirting" she scolded. I rolled my eyes. "What's that?" She questioned, gesturing to the crumpled paper in my hand. "Nothing..." I mumbled nervously, shoving it into my jeans pocket. "Hand it over Scarlett" she warned. I shook my head. "Now" "no" "yes" "I don't wanna" "give it" "how about... No?" I smirked. "Scarlett Annabelle Morrison, give me that piece of paper right now!" "I don't want to, and you can't make me, and you are not my mother!" I rebutted. "Tell me what's on that paper, or I'll shove my hand in that pocket and grab it personally" she warned. God! She can be a bitch! "Okay, I'll tell you what it is" I sighed, giving in. "I'm waiting" she said impatiently. "It's... It's a letter..." I said quietly. "What kind of letter" she spit. "A letter that my brother sent me" I sighed sadly. "So?" She shrugged, not caring at all. "It was the last letter he ever sent me" I choked. "So what?" She sighed. "My brother was... He was... Killed in battle!!!" I screamed in despair, crumpling to the ground and drawing the attention of everyone in the lobby. Heeeeeey.... Where's my class? "Oh.. Scout honey, I am so sorry. I didn't know. Lets go upstairs to the rooms now. Come on" Mrs. Jones said apologetically and sympathetically as she lifted me off the ground, put her arm around my shoulder and led me to the elevator. I sniffled. I glanced back and Niall was still standing outside. I shot him a 'its just an act. I'm fine. I don't even have a brother' look. He laughed and nodded as i continued walking with Mrs. Jones. Right when she looked away from me I smirked slyly. I am SUCH a good actress.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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