The Agency

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(previously of Right Out of Middle School)

    After my crying mess in the bathroom I got a note from Sal saying that he wanted to meet me in the choir room. I walked in there to see Sal in a chair hunched over.

" We like running into each other, huh Diaz?" I walked up to him to see his head down between his knees

" Sal, hey are you ok." He looked up at me then looked back down. He fell forwards in his seat and I caught him quickly.

" Sal!" I screamed as he went slump in my arms. I heard something metal hit the floor. As I looked around to see what it was I felt something cool and metal against my hand. It was a laser gun. I turned back to Sal

" Ok Diaz what kind of joke is this." I got up, turned to face him and saw something. There was a  dart in his neck.


   (Michelle pov when she saw the dart in Sal's neck)

   I took the dart out of Sal's neck and he shot up super fast. He looked at me, mumbled some curses in what sounded like Spanish, and grabbed his phone. He dialed a number quickly and walked to the other side of the room to speak. I heard muffled conversation and picked up simple Spanish sounding words. He sounded angry.

   ( Sal's pov)

   Yes. Yes I'm a spy, ok. Now that we have that out of the way, when I was hit with the dart I knew who did it immediately.  Little story staring me,  Dimitri told me to stay away from Michelle. Until recently, I have been joined at the hip with Michelle to protect her from Dimitri. He must have shot me in the neck because I was with her. The thing is though, he likes Amara and she is just a distraction as Michelle. Back to me being a spy. I grew up in Todos Santos, Mexico. I absolutely hated it. I am the middle child of 9 children so no one ever really payed any real attention to me. One day, I was walking home from school by myself when I saw a man in an allyway with a girl pinned beneath him. I am not going to get into all the details but I beat that guy up and rescued the girl. She thanked me and gave me a card with her fathers information on it. He was the leader of the ACS or the American Corporation of Spys. After that day I moved to America and became a field officer in the ACS. I soon later met Dimitri and we immediately became frenemies. I was always jealous about how much better he was at just about everything than me. So that is my life story.

( most of the conversation is in Spanish but I'll put in translations)(Sal, boss, (translations))

Agente 249, ¿cuál es el problema aquí?

(Agent 249, what is the issue here?)

he estado expuesto.

(I have been exposed)

Llegar a la agencia lo antes posible, y traer a quienquiera expuesto

( get to the agency as soon as possible, and bring whoever exposed you)

I shut my phone and looked at Elena. She was on the phone as well.

   " Who are you talking too?" I almost growled at her. She just glared at me and kept talking. She was talking in what sounded like English but she had an accent. It was Hispanic of a sort, I think. I grabbed her by the arm and led her outside to the car that was waiting for us. On the drive I was bombarded with questions. I didn't tell her to much because she could get eliminated. Has this girl never seen spy shows? We got to the agency and we were both escorted to see The Boss. No one knows his real name, but there are rumors that he has killed someone with nothing but his thumb. ( Ha, comment what the reference is from if you get it!) He eyed me, up and down, like I was a piece of meat. He nodded towards the door and walked out. I gave Michelle a kind look and walked out along side my boss.

       (Michelle's pov)

So first the boy acts like Romeo and acts like he loves me. Now he is making me sit in a scary room with tons of body guards all around. Huh. 

   " So I know you guys don't talk very much" I started," but can you guys like at least tell me where I am?"

" You have been watching to many movies. We do talk." One started. He had on black sunglasses with a suit like the rest of them but, unlike the rest, his hair was stylishly unperfect. He sat down in the chair right across from me and took off his glasses. I have never seen such bright green eyes. 

   " You are in the ACS or the American Corporation of Spy's. Your boyfriend over there is one of our feild officers." He said. I was astonished. My Sal, Sal Diaz, a spy? That's impossible. I must have looked out of it because the body guard started snapping in my face. 

   " Your boy toy is here." He said. I looked over at the door and see him leaning up against the door frame. He motioned for me to come over. I roll my eyes and stand up to go with him.

   " My names Jacob by the way."  Jacob Said. I smiled at him and walked out. I could swear that I heard Sal growl at him. That's not creepy at all.

So I am ending the chapter here. Just kiding I'm not a cruel person. I know. DIMITRI IS A SPYYYYY AND SO IS SALLLLL. And I know that Dimitri is pegged as the bad guy in this story but he is not. He has a reason to do all the things he has done. And here is he's back story for you.

So ya, I know I seem like that bad guy in this story. But I'm not. I'm from a small town in Russia called Norilsk, which is a terrible town. " The city which was killed" it was called. I grew up in the worst part of it to make things worse. My younger sister Anna and I were walking home from school when someone jumped us. She was taken and I chased her captor for as long as I could but they got away. I got a call when I got home that said that if I didn't join the ACS that I would never see Anna again. So of course I said yes and now I see my sister once a month at " work" as they call it. She bloody but still alive. I have tried to leave but Anna will get hurt if I try. Hence the bloody part. It sucks, but I keeps her safe. So all that crappy stuff I did was because of them so leave me alone please. I'm not a bad guy.

Ya sooooooooooo. I had to do it. And I know I dropped off the face of the earth but I'm back. Me and my friends had a huge fight with this girl so I had to handle that. But thanks for sticking with me! I have completely changed this chapter so yah have fun with that. Love yah! Don't forget to Comment, Vote, and, hey, if you like my stories follow me. And as always I'll see you in the next chapter. Love yah my puppies.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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