Chapter 10

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I had just gotten off of the bus and was making my way home from work. Deciding to take a different way home so that I could have a chance to walk through the park while the sun sets. There is nothing like catching the first glimpse at the stars as the night falls. Plus, I wanted to kill some time; no one would look forward to getting home in my situation.

As I make way towards the most runt down, dormant part of the neighborhood, I look out towards the opposite side; the land of the wealthy. Where the mansions lights are always on and the sprinklers are timed to keep the perfectly cut, green grass, green, and the sharply trimmed bushes, bushy. Not like they need to worry about light or water bills. I've lways wondered how my life would be if I was rich. I look back at my current surroundings and realize that being rich is just never going to happen in a place like this.

   I continue my stroll until I am walking along the familiar side walk of cracks and broken dreams. As I make my way closer to the park I can't help but hear footsteps echo behind me. I turn to look over my shoulder and I see a female. A stud to be exact. The same stud from the mall earlier today. What is someone like her doing out here; walking through this neighborhood.

Against her smooth, brown skin her black dreadlocks move in the winter breeze. It is cold enough for everyone to be in winter jackets, but she has made no motion to suggest that she even feels it. On her feet are a pair of shiny, black shoes that I can't imagine the woman polishing herself.

   I watch her stare up above, eyes bright with a gleaming smile as she takes in the view of the evening sky. Not even a few seconds pass before her face drastically switches from a rapturous grin, into a terror-stricken state of panic. I soon realize, she has simply tripped over the majorly deformed sidewalk. Cringing at the thought of her falling to her doom, I grow relieved when she regains her balance. Now that the threat is gone, I find hilarity in her clumsiness. At first glance I would think that she is made of steel; unbreakable, intimidating even. But after that unnerved fall, I caught a glimpse of fear in her eyes that draws out the curiosity in me.

I wonder what went through her mind as she tripped. Embarrassment, I would assume. I bet she did not even notice me staring. How awkward that would have been.

Walking through the dimly lit park, I find a tree to lean against. Tucking my hands within the depths of my front pockets, I let my mind wonder. Thinking back on the last time I was intimate with someone; voluntarily. Not the uninvited touch that I have become accustomed to. But the pleasant, mutual contact that makes your stomach do somersaults. I was in high school, last I recall.

We met on the basketball team during her senior year and my sophomore year. She was well known, respected, and admired by everyone in school; illustrious simply for her achievements in the athletic community. She humbled herself and was openly social with everyone she met, or so I thought. I, on the other hand, was enclosed within myself. I was focused on getting out of the life I was living. Growing up homeless hardens a persons character. I didn't know at the time that as I rose to Stardom on the team so did her interest in me. Because I was a starter on the Varsity team, we practiced together and played together. It wasn't long before she asked me out.

I can admit that it was the best relationship I had ever been in, for a while. She had a job, a car, parents that loved her, all she was missing was a side-kick girlfriend. I damn sure didn't fit the criteria, but she seemed to want me anyway; taking me out to dinner, movies, even shopping. We where the high schools favorite athletic couple; power couple, if you will. Then, graduation came. The day that ruined it all. She got her scholarship the same day. The week leading up to it, she had grown distant.

Hard to Get (A Stud for Stud Story ) *Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now