The Weak-End

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My weekend was actually was terrible.

I had my friend Hope come over and took her to the rodeo. Rodeo? What rodeo? Ya our rodeo.

See I lived in a tiny three bedroom two bathroom trailer. On ten acres of land. For the longest time my mom wanted her on rodeo to host. The minute we moved into the sad town of Lorena she started saving money and making blueprints. I need money and I'm not up for chores so I decided to work there.

I've worked at almost everything. The entrance, patrolling, walk-trough's, and being a Madrina. The one thing I hadn't done was work with the bulls. For one my mom was scared to have me in the back and secondly I had and still have no idea how to handle those animals.

Well last time I had gotten bored and none of my friends had come so I walked around back and started helping. It was easy and not as boring. My moms boyfriend said I was good and should put me back there next time.

Flash forward to this weekend.

My friend Hope says she wants to come so I take her. i think without her there I would have died. We had no one it was me, my moms boyfriend and my btrother-in-law. Plus Hope. 

It was going great, at first. I had worked the last gate. A few times two bulls went through, but they had fixed it quickly. Then the door broke. 100% sure that's when all hell broke loose. I could not for the life of  me hold onto that bar. I asked my moms boyfriend HEY YOU LITTLE FUCKER TAKE THE GATE I FUCKING CAN'T!  He was all like OKAY! GEEZ GIMME A MINUTE! So I focused on the gate when he went behind me because if I didn't all the bulls would go through. Literally an hour later this little shit has not come back I ask my mom where he was and she told me he just left to go run an errand.

He   left   me   to   go   run   a   fucking   errand. 




He gets there and I let the gate go, right in front of him. He catches it and gives me a wtf?! look. I yell more like scream I CAN'T FUCKING DO IT I TOLD YOU SO ITS YOUR PROBLEM NOW! I end up helping Hope with the bulls but damn do my fingers hurt. 

The next day I did nothing. Absolutely nothing. My dads mad at me that's about it. Who cares? I hate everyone else. 

Pretty much it. I still hate life. Life still hates me. 

wIERD little things about me of the week: Figured out my spriit animal is an Orca. After that I realized I was probably picked out that animal because I'm as fat as a whale. Gee thanks. 

Song of the Day: The Love Club by Lorde

Why: I don't have a reason this week its just a good song listen to it k

f u n 


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