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"Hey, white girl" I heard one of the girls say to me as I walked down the hallway to my next period class causing me to instantly roll my eyes immediately.

I heard this shit almost every damn day and it was beginning to grow old. I was sick and tired of people referring to me as if I was white when that wasn't my only race. I mean clearly you can look at my skin and tell that white is not the only race I'm mixed with you could see more of my black features than you could my white features the only thing that you could say to tell I was mixed was the fact that I had long wash and wear hair that was easy to maintain and was very rare I had to do anything to it.

I shook my head as I tried to ignore the comment that I had just heard when suddenly halfway down the hall I heard someone else say something slick,

"How much surgery did you have to get to get that type of body" I heard another girl giggle as she walked past me with her friends only making me roll my eyes yet once again.

I continued to hear more slick shit the more and more closer I got to my class,

"Look, at that lil bougie bitch she think she's something cause she's mixed and got good hair" one said.

"She's not even that damn cute so it don't ever matter" another said.

"That bitch is a mut she's a nobody she don't even have no parents with her white ass" said the third one.

"She don't even belong here in the hood what her bougie ass know about the struggle" the last one said causing me to sigh as I sucked my teeth then kept it pushing.

All these hoes always had slick shit to say but never took the time out to get to know me instead they judged me for the skin that I was in instead of trying to understand me.

I think out of all the comments I heard the most offensive one up to date that I heard was she don't even have her parents that shit cut me deep because it was still a touchy situation at hand because I loss my parents to gun violence here in the city.

Due to people's ignorance and stupidity I had to be a witness to seeing my parents get killed it was an home invasion of people whom stayed in the neighborhood that got offended that my father was with a white woman they felt as though he could have stayed within his race and got him a black Queen instead and now I'm going from group home to group home cause no one can handle the slack I get for being mixed.

It got so bad to the point where I don't even think no one will ever take me in their home again it's a struggle as is being there at that place cause I don't fit in there either like how I don't fit here with my peers because everyone always talks down on me and calls me names that are very hurtful to hear.

I sighed as I made my way into my class then sat down at the desk then slouched down in my seat as I not only tried to fight my tears back from falling down my face, but I had to also clear my head and get it focused for my Trigonometry class because we all know that Trig isn't all that easy.

I shook my head as I took in a deep breath then pulled out my notebook as I grabbed my pencil then looked at the board to get our assignment for the day once I wrote that down I got started on my board work as I still had hella shit floating through my head in hopes that this day could go by a little bit faster so I could go home and get that hell hole over and done with as well.


Soon as I got off the city bus then walked the two blocks to get to the group home that was my home I instantly felt sick. I sighed because I wished I could be anywhere but here because this too was considered an hell hole for me because I've endured a lot of pain here as well.

I took in a deep breath as I stood outside​for a few extra minutes then walked towards the gated fence then pulled the latch to open it as I walked through then locked it back shut then made my way up the steps to the house then pulled out my key then made my way inside.

Soon as I walked it shit was chaotic little kids were running around chasing each other and a few of the teenage girls were sitting around lounging on the couch gossiping. I sighed as I instantly felt depressed being here it was like another form of my high school but worse I made my way through the crowd as I could feel the eyes of the girls on the couch as seconds later I could hear them giggling.

I instantly rolled my eyes as I made my way up the stairs where I had to walk past two of the older boys of the house I never felt comfortable around them and I always felt as though they were mentally raping me in their minds from the looks they often give me.

I finally made my way towards my room as I could hear one of the guys say,

"I'mma get that pretty little bitch watch when she least expects it I got something for her" he said to the other boy as my heart skipped a beat from his tone in his voice.

I sighed as I walked into my room then closed it shut then locked it as I wished like hell someone would come and take me away from this abuse I've been hit so many times by the house mother it wasn't even funny, and don't even get me started on how disturbing the house father is he's always groping on some girl in here he doesn't care how old she is just as long as she has a big enough ass and some form of breast to squeeze he's going to touch you.

The first day I was here he literally eye fucked me until two months in he cornered me in a corner I was about fourteen at that time then literally massaged my ass then kissed me on the neck then massaged my breast I felt so dirty I tried like hell to fight him off me but I was every bit of four feet and ten inches at the time and wore about one hundred and fifteen pounds at the time it was clearly no use to his slender six feet and six inches of height.

I threw my things down on the bed as I sighed then walked over towards my door then locked it as I walked over towards my dresser grabbed me a pair of shorts and a tank top then made my way into my bathroom flipped on the light then sat my things down on my counter then walked over towards my shower turned it on set it to the temperature I wanted then removed my clothes got in handled my business then went back into my room where I flopped down on the bed grabbed my bag sat down Indian style as I grabbed what I needed then got started on my homework as I had a million and one things floating through my head as one of my thoughts was an escape plan on getting the fuck out of this hell hole called my home.

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