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Erik's POV
It was the Fourth of July and Erik was forced to spend it in his Father's office, staring out at the festivities in the park nearby. He wished he didn't have to use his last few weeks of Summer break in the office, but, "it is your duty" his father would say. He sighed as his father entered the room with a small binder and his laptop. He sat in the chair across from Erik, put his things down, adjusted his suit and folded his hands. Erik avoided eye contact with him, even though he knew his father was still there.
"Son, please I need you to listen to me. I only want you to be here to learn what it is like in the office atmosphere."
"Why today of all times? I had plans tonight." Erik whined.
"I don't want to hear it. I kept tonight un-booked so that you could visit the office without us being interrupted." Erik quieted as his father raised his voice. It was quiet for a few moments, the faint rumbles of celebratory fireworks breaking the silence every now and then. His father opened the small binder and flipped through it.
Once he found the page he needed he turned it to where Erik could read it.
"These are the quotes for various stores, I want you to figure out the price, quantity, taxes and shipping time. I brought a laptop for you to figure out shipping information." Erik looked at the quotes and pulled the book toward him, his father and went to work at his office desk. Erik slowly pulled the laptop to his side of the table and powered it on. He stared at the application that opened up and clicked on a tab that read "quotes." He matched the order number on both the paper quote and online quote and began the painstaking activity that is work.
After working until 9:00, it was finally time for Erik and his father to head home. Erik booted up his phone, which vibrated nonstop as it made connection. He threw it into the center console of his dad's car, the entire car ride was silent. Erik watched the city become a small dot on the horizon before turning to face the front of the car. Erik's dad looked over at him.
"Son, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have chosen today to do training." He apologized. Erik sighed and turned to look out his side window, he didn't feel like discussing it with his dad right now.
They arrived at home, Erik's mother was cooking and he brightened up as he smelled the spices she was using.
"Hello, Erik!" His mother said cheerfully. Erik waved and looked at the pots on the stove.
"What are you cooking, it smells really good!" Erik asked. His mother smiled.
"It's a Fourth of July celebration dinner! I figured since you weren't able to celebrate with your friends, we could celebrate here. Will you do me a favor and get your little brother?" She asked adding spices to the various pots on the stove and pulling barbecue ribs out of the oven. Erik nodded and disappeared up the staircase.
He opened the door to his brother's room and found him playing the Xbox with his friends.
"Liam, dinner is ready." He said. Liam said goodbye to his friends and went flying down the staircase, Erik followed behind closely. His mother had already set the table and was laying the plates of food on the placemats. Erik sat in the same spot he had sat in for years at dinner. Liam was already beginning to eat, he seemed to be enjoying the barbecue ribs. His mother and father took their seats, and placed their napkins on their laps. The entire first half of the dinner was eaten in complete silence, until his mother interrupted it.
"So, how was everyone's day?" She asked. Liam was the first to pipe up.
"Good! A new event came out in my game and..." he started to babble and Erik could tell his parents couldn't understand his video game talk. Once Liam had finished mother turned to Erik.
"So how was your day Erik?" She asked, in the tone that always cheered him up.
"It was ok I guess, just wish I could have celebrated the fourth with my friends." He said eyeing his father as he spoke. He didn't respond anymore and kept completely silent. The rest of the family discussed their days and as soon as their father dismissed him, Erik went up to his room.
Erik changed into some comfortable night wear and sat on his bed. He opened up his phone and responded to the many texts he had received. Some of them friends, some of them people he hung out with but didn't consider friends. Everyone seemed to be having fun celebrating the last few weeks of Summer and he was stuck here. He sat and thought for a moment, and in his thoughts, smiled.
"Tonight's the night, I'm going to the abandoned subway tunnels."

Ami's POV
Ami slung her backpack over her shoulder as the bell rang at her Summer School. Everyone seemed so unhappy to be there, she seemed to be the only one showing a bit of happiness because tonight there was a big party going on, and she couldn't wait to get with her friends for the first time in weeks. She swung the door open and climbed into her truck, her favorite music beginning to play.
She drove home, to the small apartments on the street corner, that was all she could afford as of now, she hoped that before her senior year she could get a nicer apartment. She hung up her jacket by the door and walked into the kitchen to make a snack. The small mew of a cat came from down the hallway, it's collar bell jingling as it trotted over.
"Hello, Rose!" Ami patted its head and it rubbed itself against her leg, purring. Ami walked to her table and began to eat the snack she had prepared. Her phone vibrated and she picked it up. It read: "Be there in thirty, grab your wallet." She sighed at the grab your wallet part, she hated having to pay for her own drinks. She quickly ate her snack and reapplied her makeup. She changed into a leather jacket with a red shirt beneath and torn shorts.
By the time she had finished preparing her friend had been waiting for a few minutes. She grabbed her wallet and locked the door, then ran to her friend's car.
"Sorry I'm late Cammie, had to prepare a bit." She explained.
"It's all good, we might have to miss the opening ceremonies though." Cammie replied. This disappointed Ami but she knew it would still be fun. She thought,

"This night is going to be so much fun, I can feel it"

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