Chapter 3: Girl Time

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Ami's POV

Ami called Cammie as soon as she got the text.
"Cammie! Erik sent me the date and time. We saw each other at the diner and he told me it would be the best date I've ever had." Ami said excitedly.
Cammie's screech could be heard through the phone by anyone in the room, if there was anyone in the room.
"You're so lucky! You always get the cute guys." Cammie said sounding a little jealous. Ami laughed.
"Anyways, I need your help finding a good dress to wear." Ami told her.
"You could not have asked a better person for help! I can take you to all of my favorite stores." Cammie said, "Meet outside your house in 30 minutes?"
"Sounds good!" Ami hung up the phone and went to refresh her makeup. After grabbing a glass of water, Ami went to wait outside underneath a tree out front.
Cammie drove and parked on the street in front of Ami's house, she ran out to greet Ami.
"Are you ready to go? We have a lot of places to visit." Cammie enthused. Ami nodded and followed Cammie to the car, where an assortment of pop music from the 1970s played.
The entire car ride consisted of karaoke and awful dancing, leaving Ami in an even better mood than before, which she didn't think was possible. They got out at the town mall, people streaming in and out of its doors. Excited, but also concerned for her wallet, Ami entered the mall. It smelled of cheap booth food and the air was filled with the yelling of salespeople at their booths of useless objects.
Cammie grabbed Ami's arm and dragged her into the first store. It smelled strongly of perfume and cheesy elevator music played over the speakers that lined the ceiling.
"So, what are you looking for? Something formal? Oooh, or something risky?" Cammie asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Ami rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Something formal, but I don't want something stuffy. Maybe something made out of light fabric?" Ami asked. Cammie thought for a moment and her eyes brightened.
"I'll be right back, stay here." Cammie replied, trotting off in between the racks. Ami picked up her phone to see a missed call from Shaun. She opened up her texts and typed out:

"Im not going to listen to that voicemail. I'm not letting you ruin my mood today."

Cammie returned, three dresses hanging from her arm, two long and one short. Cammie held out the first one for Ami to try on. It was a red, sleeveless dress, tight fitting on the top down to the hips, then becoming an airy fabric on the bottom. There were translucent, dark red sequins along the top that faded into the fabric. Ami thought of it as a bit flashy but took it into the changing room anyways.
Cammie seemed starstruck when Ami came out with the dress on. "Ami, you look beautiful! It really shows off your body!" She enthused. Ami looked at it in the mirror, unsure of whether or not she liked it.
"I'm not sure, I like it, let's try on the others first." Ami said, giving another spin to be sure. Cammie nodded and handed Ami the short dress. This dress was solid navy blue velvet with a very low cut collar. The back was low cut as well, but had matching blue ribbon crisscrossed up the back. She changed out of the red dress and into the blue one.
Cammie, once again, was ecstatic when she saw Ami. "I think that's the winner." Cammie said with a smile. Ami nodded in agreement.
After hanging up the dresses they didn't want and paying for Ami's new dress, Cammie had an idea.
"Ami! You need shoes to match." Cammie gasped. Ami looked confused.
"Cammie, I already have black flats that will go well with this dress.
"No, you need heels," Cammie huffed. Ami was a bit annoyed, but let Cammie drag her to the next store a few kiosks down.
There were isles of shoes for, what seemed like, miles. Ami sat as Cammie rustled through boxes, throwing tissue paper on the ground. Suddenly, Cammie galloped back to Ami with a box in hand.
"With a dress like that, you need open toed shoes. I grabbed those because I think it matches the dress perfectly!" Cammie enthused. Ami opened it to find a mid-sized heel that had fake black leather in the same crisscrossed pattern as the dress. Ami tried them on, she didn't mind them, they were comfortable yet looked a lot better than the pair of flats she intended to wear. Cammie squealed in excitement.
They purchased the shoes and headed out, once again, into the bustling mall hallway. You could smell the mall cafeteria, chicken frying for lunch, dessert being offered in the kiosks.
"Cammie, can we get some lunch?" Ami asked, suddenly feeling very hungry. Cammie sighed in disappointment but in the end, realized she was hungry too.
They headed into the cafeteria, glancing back and forth at all the different booths, debating where to go. They decided to try the Italian place and got in line. Ami was glancing around the cafeteria when she spotted Shaun, then she spotted another girl with him.
"Wow, moving on already, huh?"
She returned her attention to the man asking for her order. She ordered a Parmesan cheese pasta with breadsticks, for her and Cammie to share.
They sat at a table and began to eat. Ami was hungrily eating her pasta when Shaun approached, strawberry blonde hair slicked back, greaser jacket around his waist and a cosmetics bag in his hand.
"That greaser outfit is awful."
"Hey Ami, what was your problem this morning? That kid from the party got your mind in a twist?" Shaun asked. Ami ignored him and Cammie retorted for her.
"She doesn't want to talk to you, or see you ever again. Go cry about it to your new girlfriend." She said, gesturing to the girl sitting and eating a few tables away. Shaun thought about saying something back, but decided against it and walked off.
Ami thanked Cammie and they continued eating. Cammie lightened the mood with stupid jokes and her stories from work. When they finished, Cammie instantly resumed dragging Ami around through the mall.
After being lead around to what seemed to be hundreds of stores, Cammie dropped Ami off at home. Cammie definitely made more purchases than Ami ever could.
Ami opened her front door and set everything down in the living room. Rose sauntered up to Ami, and meowed hungrily.
"Alright, alright, I'm hungry too."
Wow, it has been a VERY long time since I've updated. Sorry about that! ^^'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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