chapter 1

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"Jaime stop" I giggled as he tried getting on top of me, no, not that way, Jaime and I have been friends for the longest, my parents are friends with his and well he goes to my school and we're in the same grade so that makes us closer, "pleaseeeee, you're really comfy" he begged "finish your homework dummy!" I exclaimed "Damn, so rude to your friend" he whined, I ignored him and kept doing the homework.

A couple minutes later I noticed Jaime starring at me and like  always I blushed and he laughed.

"Have I told you how cute you look when you're concentrated?" He's flirting, like always, Lord. "Jaime, stop" I blushed "Lord clarissa, i can't even compliment you" he playfully rolled his eyes "ughhh, you're so .. goshhh" I rolled my eyes

"Clarissa, I need to talk to you about something...." he started , he wants to end our friendship omaigad

"Uhhh, about what" I turn to face him "I ummm .. i- nevermind, just forget it" he said scratching his neck "you'll come around and tell me soon" I winked "ughhh fine, i umm ihaveacrush" he said the last part really fast

"You like someone ?" When he said that I felt heartache, like we're friends but .. we're extremely close, if he gets a girl things would change and we would be more distant  ...

"Yeah" he says looking down "well, who is it? Do I know her?" I couldn't even look at his eyes "that doesn't matter, I just wanted to let you know..." he replied

"Well, tell her your feelings towards her, probably it's her who you should be telling this to" i say

"Yeah, probably" he seemed worried and nervous but all I cared right now was about us

"Well I have to go, it's getting pretty late, see ya tomorrow" he stood up and grabbed his things "clarissa.." he called me as he opened the door of my room "Yeah?" I questioned "my hug sweety" he laughed "ohhh" , he pulled me for a big and tight hug and kissed my cheek

He does that all the time and I was pretty used to it just that i always blushed ..

As soon as he left I cleaned the mess we made and took a shower, as soon as I got out I checked my phone and saw the million of texts I had from Jaime,  Lord he blows my phone every time he feels bored

Jaime 😊💙 - clarissa?
Jaime 😊💙 - are you awake?
Jaime 😊💙 - I mean it's 10
Jaime 😊💙 - nobody sleeps at this time sooooo...
Jaime 😊💙 - you should probably be awake and replying to me
Jaime 😊💙 - your best friend **
Jaime 😊💙 - the one you can't survive without ***
Jaime 😊💙 - the one who loves you the most **
Jaime 😊💙 - the one you love the most **
Jaime 😊💙 - anyways ..
Jaime 😊💙 - clarissa !!!
Jaime 😊💙 - reply to me
Jaime 😊💙 - I feel so abandoned you know?
Jaime 😊💙 - I actually miss you
Jaime 😊💙 - and you should miss me too
Jaime 😊💙 - I'm never ever ever replying to you again
Jaime 😊💙 - understood?
Me - heyyy (:
Jaime 😊💙 - didn't you see my last two texts?
Me - sorry ):
Jaime 😊💙 - it's okay 😙
Me - Sooo, que querias?
Jaime 😊💙  - a ti
Jaime 😊💙 - no, I didn't mean that
Jaime 😊💙 - I was gonna edit that before I clicked send
Me - dummy 😂
Jaime 😊💙 - anyways,  I just wanted to bother you , you know, I miss you ):
Me - you say that to every girl darling
Jaime 😊💙 - I really don't, you're one of my closest friend and that makes you special
Me - Jaime could you stop being so ughhh
Jaime 😊💙 - I was trying to be nice and cheesy, caring and lovely, special and important
Me - you're so DAMN STUPID
Jaime 😊💙 - okay I just wanted to say gn
Me - awwww cute
Jaime 😊💙 - 😆😆😆😆😉
Me - gn jae,  sweet dreams 💖
Jaime 😊💙 - gn princess, see you tomorrow in school 😙💜

I locked my phone after reading his message, we've been friends for the longest and now that he likes someone ... all that could be destroyed .. being honest before Jaime left to the competition he was in, i had a huge crush on him, we would flirt daily and I would think he would have a crush on me too, suddenly all that disappeared, when Jaime came back every girl wanted to be by him, he didn't forget about me but he would tell me how cool he felt and I decided to just forget about that crush thingy on him, I practically forced myself to like someone else,  obviously I didn't but at least I don't have a crush on him , or at least I think.

*next morning*
I did my usual routine and headed to school with my older brother, Mauricio but I call him mau  "what's wrong?" He asked "nada" I shrugged "hmmm" he hummed in response 

As soon as I headed to school I quickly spotted my "squad"

"Heyyyy" I say in a happy mood "clarissa, right we've been going out since pre- k?" Austin asked "Jesus Christ, kidddd, nobody goes out with you" Jaime exclaimed "uhhh what?" I was so confused "tell em' clarissa, Austin says you're his girl" he glares at me "I ummm- what? Kid fuck off" I say and the bell rings so we head to class "clari" Jaime whines, what does he want now 😑 "que quieres Jaime" I playfully roll my eyes "Ayer, you left me on seen, what a friend" he glares at me "sowwy" I say caressing his cheek "I like when you do that" he says and holds my hand, I simply blush

"Guys y'all need to chose a partner to work with for the next project" the teacher says, Jaime looks at me and makes a face as if 'Us together' I simply smile  "play with my hair" Jaime says as he rests his head on my desk, his curly hair is everything!! Like every time he's beside me I always play with it and now that's something he makes me do whenever he's sleepy

The school day went by pretty fast, me and Jaime met up at house like always

"Clarissa!!" He laughs as I throw his backpack since he threw mines "You started it" I whined he grabbed me and threw me on the bed and started tickling me "stop I won't do it again I promise" I say in between laughs "promise? " he stops "yeah" I say and smiled, we starred at each other for minutes, Jaime was on top of me, his hands and arms had me trapped, no one said anything, it was really silent and non of us had noticed on what awkward moment we were, Jaime out of nowhere started leaning in for a kiss, I was just laying in the bed nervous of what could happen, I felt his hot breath on my lips, I wanted him to kiss me so bad, we stayed in the same position for a couple of moments till suddenly.. he kisses me, his lips on top of mines felt so good, he moved his hands and put one on my cheek for support and the other one was on my waist, my arms were around his neck feeling the innocent kiss we were having, we kissed till we ran out of air, he looked at me in the eyes and smiled "you don't know how much I've waited for this" the way he said that made me blush, he got off me and didn't say anything else, I was so confused at the moment, Jaime didn't talk I guess he was shy,  pretty uncomfortable moment "umm, are you hungry?" I ask trying to make a conversation "Yeah, wanna go somewhere or eat here?" He asked back "here" I replied and gave him a warm smile

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