Chapter 4 - Gonna be back?

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Finally!!!! It's raining . Delhi always witnesses delayed rains. This makes me realize that global warming is real. It's an actually happening phenomenon. Now I wanna step out of this room and have some real fun. All the extravaganzas don't matter to me as much as rain does. Rain makes me feel like I'm in paradise. I opened the main door of the house to walk towards the lawn but I realized that people are not going to let me get wet in rain at any cost. All those security guards , maids and my family. Oh my god ! What do I do now!! I wanna enjoy in rain. Okay I have an idea. I walked to the library in the ground floor which lies near the backside wall of the house. It has a really huge window and since it's on the ground floor , even if I jump outside that wouldn't hurt me. I silently opened the window and jumped towards the outside. There are damn too many bushes here and no one will be able to figure me out in these bushes. I slowly walked towards the farthest lawn from the house and I sat down. The rain is pouring. The more rain drops fall on my skin, the more rejuvenated I feel !! In the profligate life I'm blessed with , only little things make me truly happy and rain is one of those little happiness's .

I raised my head and rolled my eyes over my house. If I actually have to describe it then, it can be called as a mansion with 4 lawns , a swimming pool and a parking. Well, I would prefer a cozy home far away in the woods than all this clutter. My parents meticulously chose every detail of this house by themselves 10  years ago. I'm living here ever since that time. My dad always regards this house as his dream come true . He is a self made man who initially started with a pharmaceutical based company. The Arora Pharmaceuticals . Years later , it started getting huge profits and in order to invest all that money , my dad started a finance firm. Now it gives funding to various political parties too. All this slowly made my dad , a very powerful businessman. He is one of the mysterious people in my life. To my surprise, I could never understand my dad in all these 17 years. He is a total paradox. But I don't like it when people regard me as Ayan Arora's daughter. I don't hate it either but I want recognition of my own. People think I chose science because my dad owns a pharmaceutical company. But science is my passion through which people's lives could be saved adding longevity to their lives. Anyways, this is the most pleasant evening in these 6 months at least. I closed my eyes and the only thought striking my brain is that Sid is still in Coma. I've asked Karan many times , if I could meet Sid and see him from near but he said that there's no such chance. Though,I understand his point but I still wanna see him. I call him everyday after 11 pm to find out about Sid's condition. Sadly, it has not gained any improvement. Speak of the devil and here he's calling! Why is he calling all of a sudden. Okay , let's find out.

"Hello? Karan! Is everything alright ?" , I asked.

" No Maya ! That is why I'm calling you." , he replied.

"What is it Karan?" , I probed.

" Maya, if I have to say in simple words then Sid's ECG report is giving out straight lines in between." , said Karan.

"What the hell!!! That means his pulse rate is decreasing! What are the doctors saying?" ,I asked.

" They say that Sid is emotionally stressed and this is adding up to the problem. Only a release of emotional stress will help the situation." , he explained

" Okay , you told me that he had a major fight with his mom before the accident. Did you guys make his mom speak to him?" , I asked.

" Yes , we have tried everything Maya . They didn't work out and the only thing left is you. He was hardly even bothered about your disappearing but he grieved when we told him about your plane crash. Maybe that grief is still hidden in him. I think you can help the situation out. He needs you Maya. Will you help us , please. The doctors say if nothing is done in next 2 or 3 days then, we might lose Siddharth." ,he pleaded.

Was that even a question! I can do anything for his well-being. I thought.

" Sure but what can I do ?" , I asked.

" I tell his parents that all the friends are willing to see Sid , you are going to come in with that crowd and since all of them know you as Sid's best friend , there would be no problem posed. But you will have to do something which will assure him that it's you and you are back. Come at 7:30 to the same hospital and I'll meet you outside it." , he explained.

"Okay." , I hung up.

Am I gonna be back in front of Sid again? Did I decided to exit his life for meeting him like this. I left him hoping that he will learn to value people's presence in his life. So that he learns that he has to spend time with them before the time runs out. Hopefully , this one year should have taught that to Sid. But because his life is in danger , I will definitely do anything for him. It's almost 7 pm and I think I should get ready now. I went back into the house through the same way from which I came out . I took a quick shower and wore a chudidar . Sid always liked a traditional attire of mine. He was one of those few guys who liked girls being traditional. I took a deep breathe and started off to the hospital.

As soon as I got down there, I found Karan with 6 other people who were obviously Sid's friends. We walked in and I saw Sid's family for the first time in reality. I had seen them only in pictures before. We went inside the ICU. Karan sighed me to sit on the stool beside Sid's bed. I sat down and I slowly held his hand. I held his hand tightly and tears started rolling down my cheeks. I was stuck in deep despair and I called him name out slowly . I started crying badly saying "Sid ! I always told you to drive slowly !!" but something really unexpected happened. Suddenly Sid's ECG started showing increasing elevations and depressions. Everyone were astonished. Karan told them not to panic and told them to keep quiet. I could see tears in his eyes.

" Maya , say something which was special and which was only between you both." , said Karan.

I thought for 2 minutes. I was confused and I didn't understand what to do. But all of a sudden something hit my mind. 

"If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need" , I sang.

Sid's ECG showed more and more elevations and depressions!  Everyone told me to sing more. This was the song Sid sang for me on my 15 th birthday. I was overwhelmed that day. This is Count on me by Bruno Mars .He loved this song to the core.

"You can count on me like one two three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

If you tossin' and you're turnin' and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song
Beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will
Remind you."

And that's it. Sid's hands moved. Everyone were astonished . I and Karan were smiling with our eyes filled with tears. He held me back. He said "Ma...Maya..." and slowly opened his eyes.

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