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Umaira wanted to talk to Mehran, clear things with him. She feared he might be thinking wrongly of her. Perhaps, he must be thinking she has invited Ibrahim. Umaira also wanted to tell him that she loves only him, but still isn't sure how to break away from Ibrahim or if she should break away from him. But she isn't getting any chance, Ibrahim is always with her not leaving her even for a second.

'Hey!' Ibrahim called Mehran who was standing with Junaid, Amreen and Siham. Mehran looked at him but ignored him and continued talking with Junaid. Umaira didn't notice this as she was busy clicking photos. Ibrahim held her hand and led her towards where Mehran was. Umaira is stunned, why is Ibrahim making her uncomfortable by bringing her in front Mehran, also acting so possessive.

'Umaira click one photo of me and Mehran.' He said brightly. Umaira knew something is up with Ibrahim. He has never been so insisting. Mehran instantly refused but Ibrahim began insisting, also Siham and Amreen too. Mehran had to option but pose for the camera. Ibrahim had his arm on Mehran's shoulder as they posed. Ibrahim had a bright smile while Mehran kept a straight face. Umaira felt little awkward nevertheless clicked the photo. Siham also insisted a photo of her and Mehran to be clicked. For some reason, Umaira didn't like that Mehran readily agreed to have his picture clicked with Siham. Amreen Junaid's was also clicked, everyone together was also clicked. Siham gave her mail ID and requested she mails these photos to her. Umaira nodded politely. As soon the photo session was done, Mehran left.


The function was in full swing, the guests were enjoying, and then they were all asked to have dinner. As everyone where about to disperse Ibrahim climbed on stage and took a mike. 'Greetings everyone!' he announced. Umaira wondered what he is going to say. His parents along with her parents walked towards the stage.

'Come.' Her mother told Umaira. She looked puzzled and followed her mother. Somewhere in the back of her head told her that something wasn't right. As she climbed on stage the voice only grew louder in her head.

'My name is Ibrahim Shah Alam and I am Huma, the bride's, cousin sister Umaira Siddique's fiancé and soon to be husband.' He announced brightly. Umaira is shocked, she looked at Ibrahim who simply smiled at her. Everyone clapped, Umaira's parents clapped the loudest. 'Ladies and Gentleman, I stand here to share a beautiful news. On the 1st of next month, I and Umaira are to wed. You all are cordially invited.' Ibrahim finished.

And now, Umaira isn't just shocked, she is hurt. How can Ibrahim and her parents decide the wedding date that too without consulting her? She had clearly told Ibrahim she isn't ready for marriage yet but then why? Everything was going good, then why the hurry to get married? Umaira doesn't know what to think. She is very hurt.

The news came like a big blow to Mehran. His heart shattered realizing Umaira will be getting married next month. As the shock sank in, he felt hurt and when he composed himself his hurt turned into anger. Umaira knew about this, she had been planning to get married to Ibrahim on this date for a very long time. Decisions like these are never made in just one night. Mehran's fingers curled in a tight fist. Then why did she say she loved him that night in the pool? Why did she kiss him? she had wanted to make him look like a fool. Mehran huffed in anger.

Mehran's mother smirked watching him go. She quickly whispered something to his father, who stood beside her and hurriedly followed Mehran.

'****' Mehran cursed once he came out from the venue and into the hotel Lobby. The waiting guests and the bell boys looked at him wide-eyed. Mehran couldn't care less, he is too frustrated. Mehran's mom knew this is the perfect chance, she quickly fixed her expressions and walked up to him. She placed her palm on his shoulder, 'Please leave.' He said sternly not turning back. 'Beta!' Mehran sighed exasperatedly hearing his mother's voice.

'Are you fine, Beta?' she asked sugar coating her voice. Mehran doesn't respond.

'I knew she will do like this. Ibrahim is much richer and better than you. I knew her.' His mother spewed venom. Mehran turned around and glared at his mother.

'Please. Don't say anything against her. She isn't like that.' Mehran said, his tone few decibels higher. His mother flinched with his tone. Mehran stood there for few seconds, he sighed loudly and walked away.

Umaira excused herself from the crowd, also from Ibrahim's clenches. She looked around searching frantically for Mehran. She needs to talk to Mehran, she doesn't want him to misunderstand her. Finally, her search ended when she found him at the bar. She hurried towards him.

The bar tender gets a glass of whiskey for Mehran, he picked up the glass and is about to drink his third glass of the night. Umaira is worried, she knows very well how bad drinker Mehran is. 'Mehran.' She said concerned. Mehran stopped mid-way, he turned his head and found Umaira standing few steps away from him. He frowned and looked at her from top to bottom, is it really her?

'You? aren't you with your fiancé? You should be there celebrating.' His tone sarcastic, Umaira felt hurt. He ignored her and goes to gulp his drink. He orders some more.

'Mehran...'she took a step closer. Mehran impatiently tapped his fingers on the bar table. She placed her palm on his arm.

'Don't...touch me.' Mehran warned jerking his hand away from hers. Umaira flinched, tears clogging her eyes.

'Go to your.... woh...what is the *******'s name...Yes...Ibrahim.'

'Mehran!' Umaira said sharply, 'mind your language.'

Mehran scoffed, he turned his head and looked at her, 'Hurt? That I am insulting your precious Fiancé?' Mehran raised his eyebrows. Umaira closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she then looks at him.
'You know what? I am an idiot to have come and talk to you. You were and will be hopeless.' She snapped. Mehran stood up and took a step towards Umaira, frightened Umaira took a step back. He held her arm and she winced.

'Do me a favour and never show me your face again. Get lost and have a happy married life.' He gritted his teeth angrily. Umaira jerked her hand from his grip, 'I will and you too stay away.' She warned him. Mehran simply glared at her. Umaira turned around to walk away

'Thank you.... You saved my life. If I had been with you my life would have been destroyed being with a gold digger like you.' Mehran shouted from his place. Umaira turned and glared at him, 'You are no one to give your opinion on me. Stay away.' She yelled back.

'I will...' Mehran replied equally angrily. Umaira turned around and walked away. Mehran glared at her back.

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