11. "you can have half"

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She and Kathryn both agreed that fancy did not cut it for the description of this restaurant. With a huge middle fireplace, coating the warm air and mellow glow across their table and the floor thick wooden slabs so clean your reflection broke through with gentle smooth music playing through speakers around them. Everyone was dressed to the nine's around them, Alice herself rocking a sleeveless black dress that stopped at her knees and flowed out around her. The boys looking handsome wearing their smartest suits and Amy and Kathryn looking gorgeous in dresses of their own. It took all of teamiplier and Alice to pay for their table, splitting it between them as much as possible, but all of them agreed the food was more then worth it.

"Oh my," Tyler said, lifting the last piece of main course to his mouth.

"Alright, George Takei," Alice teased causing the table to laugh.

"This is honestly the best food I have ever eaten," Tyler continued, before adding, "other then my mum's cooking." The table, stuffed silly with the rich flavours, all nodded in agreement.

"To us," Mark said, raising his glass, causing soft smiles to spread throughout the rest of them​, "because we've all been through a lot, and we've all got each other to get through anything else together." Amy raised her glass beside him - the rest following suit - and clinked it gently against Mark's causing his eyes to flicker towards her, expression gentle.

"We are all pretty awesome," she grinned, Mark breaking out into a larger smile before pressing his lips to hers. Alice smiled at the sight, before tapping her glass against Kathryn's to give them some privacy. Soon the table were all clinking glasses together and sharing smiles.

A waitress, dressed in regular attire with hair pulled in a Dorothy Gale-like style, came gracefully over to the table, "are we all done?" she began scooping and piling plates together holding glasses with fingers bent in strange positions and still smiling as she did, "is anyone going for dessert?"

There was a chorus of noise from the table as everyone discussed whether or not they had the room for more delicious food or whether their body would hate them for it the next day.

"I am far too full up, no matter how good the menu looks," Ethan said from opposite the table to Alice.

"What about something small?" she suggested, lifting the menu out of its holder, eyes scanning over it. Freezing as they caught sight of something delicious.

"Any takers?" the waitress asked, appearing back at their table after disapparating the dishes.

"I'll have the chocolate fudge cake please," Mark said, grinning widely. The waitress scrawled it down in her notepad hurriedly before glancing up again.

"I'll have an ice cream sundae," Amy said.

"Any sauce?"

"Oh, no thank you." The rest of the table seemed as though they couldn't stomach anymore.

"Could I have the profiteroles, please?" Alice asked, the waitress scribbling it down, before skating off to the kitchen and Ethan giving her a look of mock betrayal.

"I want profiteroles now," he scowled.

"You should have ordered some then," she laughed, causing him to smile at the sight before sighing dejectedly and slumping back on his chair, his blazer shoulders being pushed up. She smirked, amused, at the usually picturesque boy before her, and awaited her food to come, nattering to Kathryn beside her about something or another.

Soon the profiteroles were pushed before her, at least 10 of them on the plates with cream and chocolate sauce pouring down around them. Alice's eyes widened a little, taking it in. Mark and Amy swapping pieces of their meals between them along with Tyler pinching a spoonful of Amy's ice cream. Alice had eaten about 3 of her balls of pastry and sauce and cream before Ethan huffed once more, staring longingly at the plate.

She grinned softly, "you can have half."

"Really?" his eyes lit up a little.

"Yeah, there's no way I'm going to eat 10 of these on my own."

"Then I will help you on your mission," he gave her a mock salute before taking the spoon from her hands as she offered it and tucked in on the opposite side of the plate.

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