~Part 8: "Going Home"~

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'Just how long will it be before we go back?'

One of the only things racing through my mind as we board the plane. I was so eager to leave but now.... I don't want to face the friend I've made.... And lost.

I never enrolled into another school and I am still going to Nekoma which is probably bad considering I want to avoid him.

Good news! I've died my hair and I have been wearing contacts for a while. My style has also changed into something more chic and urban. Dark even.

Sebastian hasn't been all hat nosy recently. Maybe because he can tell I'm nervous. How long has it been since last I was nervous?

We find our seats and I sit next to Sebastian across from Mother and Father. They started talking about finances and statistics about their company and I zoned out.  

"What are you going to do when you meet him? Or her?" Sebastian forced me out of my mind and I returned to the conversation at hand. 

"Um, I don't know say hi... Ask why he didn't tell me that important thing in the beginning. You know those sorts of things." I slumped in my chair and sighed, "Maybe even kick him or her."

He laughed and went to get us food and drinks, I heard a commotion coming from the back and apparently he tried to go into the kitchen to make it himself, saying that their food wasn't good enough for me and that I liked it when he cooked for me. He's not wrong. 

It just would have looked weird though. A man in his early twenties claiming that he is a butler for the esteemed L/N family and is currently wearing black high top converse, with a grey tee shirt and a long black cardigan. I had to help.... I think. 

"Hello... Um, I'm L/N Y/N and I want to request that my butler make my food... Please?" My family's name sometimes got me places I normally  wouldn't be able to go. 

"Where's your father? I need proof." He spat at me and turned away flopping a dish rag onto the counter.  This cook has got an attitude..

"But of course." I said walking away to my father. I realized he wasn't talking business anymore but rather listening to some music. 

"Father, may I have a word?" He turned to me and sighed. "Yes honey?" I smirked.

"Sebastian was about to go make us some food, but the cooks refused to let him in by his mere word, so I went to help and spat on my word by saying he needed proof, that the needed you."

He hmmed in response and got up. He was dressed casually but still formal. Something only my father could accomplish. He put on his game face and headed to the back.

"Sir. I am L/N Hashira." He put his hand out and smiled.

The man stumbled over his words and soon situated himself.

"Hello sir... How may I help you?"

My father smiled and walked past him into the kitchen. I stand there with a gratified smile.

"If like for my daughter's butler cook her food.... That is if it's all right with you." He gestures to Sebastian and nods at me.

The chef nods continuously, whilst trying to apoligize through gritted teeth. "Please do. Anything you need. Pardon my rudeness. I do apologize."

The man rambled on and on unknowingly switching his gaze from my father to Sebastian, as the latter walked to the sink and began washing his hands.

I sat down and watched him prepare ingredients as my father shook his hand and left. He was a good man and a good friend. I'm still afraid of what he'd do if ApplePie wasn't who he said he was. Nekoma High, whoever that Pudding Head was....

I put in my headphones and played Runway by Aurora. Ever since my change I've been into Inside music lately and honestly it's pretty great.

I was told to head back to my seat by Sebastian's hand motions and I did so.  He's been like an older brother to me. So, my parents have been pretty lenient with his clothing and speech around me.

I sat down in the seat and got comfortable as I saw him bringing my food over. He also prepared food for mother and father as well. We all ate in silence and thanked Sebastian.

After the meal I began to drift off into sleep and frankly it was about time so I did not fight it.


I awoke with a fright as my father was talking me to get up. Sebastian was holding my luggage and mother was talking about how I drooled in my sleep. I stood up and paused the song that was playing and sighed thinking about how many of them I blasted through.

When got off the plane and into the airport the smell of takoyaki immediately hitting my nose and sending me under. We ate a quick lunch and scampered off. Father said I should wait till we find our home and drop our things off before eating some more and to really breathe.

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