2. Roommates

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Ariels POV

I walk down the long hall way if girl dorm rooms, looking for room number 9. I'm still getting used to walking on land, I've only had legs for over a week. I'm an ex-mermaid and finally managed to convince my dad to allow me to attended a school on land. I'm nervous about meeting new people. But I'm sure I'll be fine.

I finally find my room number and open the door, I walk in and find two of my roommates are already here. One girl is lying on the bottom bunk of the bed nearest the window, she has long black hair, tan skin and is wearing a tight brown dress. The other girl is standing at the mirror, applying make up, she has long brown hair, pale skin and is wearing a long light purple dress.

"That bed is mine" the purple dress girl snaps at me, pointing to the bunk beds closest to the door. "You sleep there" she points to the top bunk of the other bed.

"You can have the bottom bed f you prefer" the brown dress girl tells me, "I really don't mind"

"The top bunk is fine" I tell her and sit my bag in the bed "I'm Ariel"

"Pocahontas" the brown dress girl tells me, she gets of the bed and whispers "don't mind Vanessa, she thinks you runs the school."

Suddenly the room door opens again and a girl with blond hair that falls just below the shoulders, pale skin and who is wearing a long bright pink dress, walks in.

"Finally" Vanessa says hugging the girl, "I can't stand being in a room with losers on my own, thank god your here Rora"

"I feel the same way Nessa" Aurora tells her friend, hugging her. Great I'm stuck with two girls who think there everything. At least I have Pocahontas.

"Lets go!" Pocahontas takes hold of my hand and leads me out of the room and back down the long hallway. "I can't believe we have to live with them for a full year, their the worst"

"At least we have each other" I tell Pocahontas as we turn a corner and enter another room, "where are we?"

"This is the girls common room" Pocahontas informs me. "The school has three common rooms, the girls, the boys, and the general one. I'm glad I have you as a roommate Ariel"

"I feel the same. Thank god ive got someone nice to be friends with" I tell her. "I can already tell we're going to be close"

Belle's POV

I start to unpack all my stuff before the rest of my roommates arrive, I like to have everything organised before more people arrive. I unpack my clothes and put them neatly away in my draws, I then place my books on the small bookcase in the room. Finally I take out my hand stitched pillow and sit it on the bed I have claimed. My dorm room is the smallest one, it only fits three people and so instead of having two bunk beds, we have three single beds. I have chosen the bed closest to the window, I just hope my roommates don't mind. I never bothered to check the list properly and find out who my roommates are.

Once I am all unpacked I grab a book and lie down on my bed and begin to read. Reading is my favourite thing to do, I love getting lost in a good book. Suddenly the room door slams open and my first roommate enters. The girl has light brown hair that falls just below her shoulders, her eyes are hazel and her skin is pale, she is wearing a white top with light brown jeans and converse trainers. I've never seen the girl before.

"Sorry for slamming the door, I never meant to, pushed it to hard" the girl had a thick English accent. "I'm Jane, your new roommate"

"Belle" I extend my arm and shake hands with my roommate, that so far seems to be a nice girl. "I hope you don't mind me taking this bed"

"Of course not, I'll take this one" Jane places her bags down on the bed that is placed against the back wall.

Fifth teen minutes later the room door opens again and another girl enters, this one has long black-blue hair with blue eyes and pale skin, she is wearing a log blue summers dress. I believe her name is Silvermist, I slightly remember her from Middle School.

"Hey, I guess I'm your third roommate" Silvermist says as she places her bags on the last remaining bed next to the door. "I'm Silvermist"

"I'm Jane" Jane greets out new roommate, smiling as they shake hands.

"I'm Belle" I say and I am thankful that I have to roommates I know I'll get along with.

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