Missing Someone | Requested | OCs

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I'm going to warn you now. This is extremely romantic and messed up. (Ship wise)

You have been warned.

For sabinewrenrebels and lothcatwillow


Zeb petted Mira's cheek and smiled, that smile he always did when he was with her for these precious seconds.

"I wish you were alive." She whispered and cuddled into his chest, she was barely keeping him tied to this world, with all her power, it took so much to keep a non-force sensitive to this world.

"Don't worry baby, I will never let you go." Zeb swooned at her and Mira knew in her heart this was true. Their lips met for a brief precious seconds, the seconds that Mira loved for, but she didn't dare tell her husband.

"I love you so much." Mira said, taking a breath from their passionate kiss, regretting that it was now over.

"I love you the most." Zeb responded, and Mira felt her power weakening and Zeb soon vanished once again into the force.

Mira started at the empty place that once held her one, true love. She was filled with regret about this life so she then sat alone to her tears and wept.

Many hours later Mira felt she needed to tell Zak, she had to tell her husband she didn't love him, even if it would mean a traumatic experience for him and her kids. She just couldn't go on living like this. Mira got up and made her move.

Soon Mira stood across from Zak and confirmed her earlier thought when she looked into Zak's eyes and could tell that there was no longer a spark between them. One that had once been so vibrant, so full of love was now as gone as her own parents.

"Mira," he whispered and caressed her cheek with his warm, soft, fine hand. "I need to tell you something."

"I need to tell you something too." Mira said, not meeting his eyes, which were like spot lights seeing right into her heart, full of regret.

"Let me go first Mira, please?" He begged her, wanting to get this over with.

She silently nodded and listened to the rain that was pattering outside.

"I don't love you." He said, so faintly she thought she never heard it, but she did the words wore a weight on this man's heart.

"I know Zak." She said, tears staining her eyes, she knew the truth, but it was a different thing entirely to hear him say it out loud. "But the truth is I don't love you either."

Zak felt he would feel relived, happy even that he didn't have to break her heart. But all he felt was regret, regret he didn't tell her sooner, regret that he could of had more time with Sabine, his only true love.

For reasons neither of them could explain or wanted to they were soon in each other arms sobbing their hearts out. Zak was clutching Mira so tightly, so firm he was afraid that she would leave him, disappear like Sabine did. Leave him alone, alone once again to cry his heart out, forever alone.

"I miss Zeb." Mira cried out, between heart wrenching sobs. "He was my only true love in this crazy messed up galaxy that we call our home. He made the stars shine brighter, the loth cats meow happier, the food taste sweeter. He was the only one who understood."

"My heart longs for Sabine." Zak started on, after Mira was overrun with sobs again. "She was the only one who could kiss me as passionately as a bantha bathing in the hot sun. The only one who made my heart feel as if it was hotter than Mustafar lava." 

The two cried in each other's arms, regret and death threatening sadness running over their hearts like it was a game of tag, which one was "it" to be the one to cause the uncontrollable sobs. The sat and cried for what seemed like endless days. Mira calling out for a lasat who would never coke back. Zak crying out for Sabine, the beautiful mando, until both of them could speak no more.

A silence took over them slowly as they both calmed there cries, but were still unable to fathom how they could get up and continue with their life.

But then quietly a sound from the doorway.




The kids of these two heart broken lovers, confused and traumatized, wondering why there parents were crying.

"For them?" Mira asked Zak, wondering still how to go on.

"No for Sabine." He corrected her and got off the floor, with renewed strength.

"For Zeb." Mira agreed, following Zak off the floor and locked her fingers around his.

Knowing they could never love each other the same way they did their passed soul mates, they walked hand and headed to the door together.


I'm sorry, please don't question it. Blame lothcatwillow and sabinewrenrebels

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