Secrets out

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first off I will like to say sorry for the crazy long wait. i tried to make this chapter extra long to make up for it hope you like it.


I woke up to the sun shining through my window . I squinted my eyes because the sun was so bright .

I pushed myself up off my bed then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth I had takin a shower the night before so I was just going to change my clothes.

I went to my closet and put on some black stockings then black shorts on top then purple lacy Holister shirt with purple pumps.

I looked in my full length mirror and smiled knowing that I looked really good .

I grabbed my Tommy Hilfiger book bag went down to the kitchen .

Once I was in there I went over to the stove with my plate to get some eggs that were left there .

I sensed a presence in the room and sure enough it was Jordan

I looked up at him his dark brown hair , mocha eyes. He was wearing camo pants and a brown v-neck.

I don't want to admit this but he looks goood

"Look.Jessica," he started

What is his problem?

"What the do you want?!?" I said my voice laced with disgust

" listen ,your not gonna tell anyone that I'm living with you .. do you understand ?"

I just stood there eating my eggs he can't control me , who does he think he is?

"I said do you understand" he repeated getting annoyed

Good he should be annoyed

"No, I don't understand! , you can't control me"

Next thing I know I'm pushed up against the fridge

" why must you be so difficult?" he asked trying to stay calm

"Because you don't control what I say and do"

"Why can't I tell anyone are ,you ashamed to be in the same house as something so disgusting? " I asked my tone full of sarcasm

"Yeah "

Well I can't say that, that did not hurt just a little.

"Well to bad! I can say whatever I want when I want "

It feels so good to stand up for myself. the old Jessica would have let Jordan push her around because she was to scared to stand up for herself. Not any more !

With a huff Jordan stormed up the stairs knowing that he could not win this one

Jessy:1 Jordan:1,000

Although he has been able to bully me in the past I can't say that I don't feel good just winning this once.

Once I am done eating my eggs I start to walk out of the kitchen when u bump into something. I look up and see Jayden , Jordan's brother. Did I mention Jordan had a brother.( a very hot one at that)

It's strange that I didn't mention Jayden since I have had the biggest crush on him since last year.

Yeah so I have never really had the courage to actually talk to him because I was nerdy. How was I suppost to have enough confidence to talk to one of the football players( co- captin at that)

I know how cliché it sounds but I guess I was just scared . Can you blame a girl .

"Ummm hey Jayden" I manage to say holding my shoulder

I hit my shoulder on the doorway when I bumped into him.

"Ummm hey jess..... ica. right?" he ask unsure

Wow at least he got my name right.


"sorry i was not watching where i was going" he said with an apoligetic face

"its o.k." i managed to choke out looking practicly starstruck

he gave me a ginuine smile and started to say something. i can tell he was talking but i dont know what he was saying i was so focused on his face.

He gave a look practicly waiting for me to say something

"oh , im sorry what did you say?" i asked a little embaresed that i was stairing

" i said you look good , what did you do"

"oh; ummm i-i went to my aunt wendys house ovver the summer and she used me as a life sized barbie" i laughed a little at the end

" well she sure did do a good job" he said giving me a once over looking back up to my face with a smirk plastered on is might i say amazing face.

" thank you "i said blushing wildly

"well we should get to school" he said breaking the awkward silence set apon us

"yeah we should"

"do you want a ride?" he asked and felt my heart about to fall out of my cheast.

" ummm no thnks i have my own car "

" i just thought i should drive you,you know because we're going to the same place and its the least i can do for you and your family, you know for letting us stay in your house"

"fine how can i say no to that"

"k u ready"

"yeah lets go"


when we arrived at the school all eyes were on me and Jayden

like dont you have other things to look at

I walked to my royal blue locker and spun the dial


My locker spun open and I put all my books in my locker except my math notebook.

Just then the school slut ( so everyone calls her) Stacy came up to me with a stank look on her caked up face.

"Listen Stacy I don't have time for b.s. "

"I came here to warn you , you better watch out I know your living with Jordan and his family and

I telling you Jordan is mine"

First I don't even like Jordan and two who the hell does she think she is

"Ummm excuse me you don't even know what you are talking about, I don't like him you need to get your facts strait"

"Whatever just remember what I said" then she was off with a huff

She needs to take a chill pill, like really.

Does everyone know they are living with me?


People where are my comments like really




And all that good stuff and if there are mistakes sorry I was rushing

I'll try to update soon

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