Cold Feet

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As the mismatched trio headed off down the bank, Toad asked,

"So why did you save us?"

"Because I'm the Guardian of The Southward Timber, like my father before me," Starling answered as she trotted along. Toad looked up at her.

"You're the Guardian?" He asked, "But you're so small,"

"I'm taller than you," She replied. Toad opened his mouth as if to speak and then shut it again, deciding it wasn't worth furthering the discussion. As they drew further away from the length of beach smeared with the snake's blood the sounds of the morning resumed. They were all quiet for a while, the only noise around them that of the waking woods.

"Do you know where the Castle by the Lake is?" Lanky asked suddenly, turning his head to look at Starling.

"Not exactly..." She said, "Somewhere more... South-east,"

"I thought you were the Guardian of The Southward Timber?" He asked quizzically.

"Well I am, but only to a certain extent. I'm forbidden to cross to the east side of the river. I'll take you as far as I can, though," No one said much else, opting to walk in silence rather than conversate. Lanky looked up at the sky. The sun was tucked somewhere in the grey blanketed sky. Along with that it was an oddly quiet day, only the occasional cacophony of broken cries coming from the forest. He brought his eyes down from the sky to look at the trees. Strangely enough there weren't even any silhouettes tracing their path.

"Why's it all so quiet?" Toad asked.

"Rain's coming, they're all hiding away so they don't die," Starling answered, her notched ears swiveling up to the sky as thunder rolled out in the distance. Lanky nodded simply in agreement. Starling sniffed the air, her eyes narrowing as she thought.

"It should be here in about fifteen minutes or so,"

"Do you figure we should try and find shelter or something?"

"Do you only ask questions?" Starling asked, her eyes on the toad, "Of course we should find shelter," Toad flinched at her tone, his warts prickling defensively.

"The only place we could go would be the forest," Lanky said softly, his voice cutting the tension away and letting it fall from them.

"No, there's another place around here," Starling said as she walked the skies, "A little alcove in the bank. Follow me," She took off at a fair clip and Lanky scooped Toad up in his arms so they could keep her up with her strict pace. They hadn't gone far when there was a loud rumble of thunder nearby and the wind began to rise. The storm would be fierce and it began to rain. 

"Hurry!" Starling barked as she broke into a run. Lanky followed suit, clutching Toad to his chest so he wouldn't drop him. He sprinted down the beach trying to keep up with Starling. He couldn't. She ducked into the little cave about fifty feet ahead of them. The wind tore at Lanky and his lungs felt like they were on fire but he pushed on. It wouldn't be good to be caught out in. He tried to run faster but his long legs were already unsteady from the strain, shaken beneath him. The wind tore and ripped at the cloak on his shoulders and nearly threatened to knock him over but he pressed on. Lanky ignored it as he finally slammed into the opening in the bank. Starling jumped out of his way, choosing to sit at the opposite wall. They all sat together trying to regain their composure in a tense silence.

"We should've gotten firewood," Toad said as lightning struck it's way down somewhere outside. 

"What would we need a fire for?"Starling glared at him as she asked. Lanky shivered, his breathing heavy and his wet clothes sticking to his skin. 

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