Wet Lungs

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Beatrice snapped awake from her fitful sleep, startling both Lanky and Starling. She looked all around the shelter with wide, urgent eyes.

"William's still alive, he's still out there," She said as she got to her feet, waking Toad in the process.

"I thought you said the snake got him?" Starling asked.

"Yes, the snake did bite him and I thought it killed him but William came to me in a dream. He told me to go to the rapids," Beatrice answered. "We have to go now, he doesn't have much time,"

"How do you know it wasn't just a nightmare?" Starling asked harshly, as she didn't believe the doe.

"Because I know my husband," Beatrice said, turning to face Starling with tears brimming in her eyes, "I know he needs me,"

Starling's strong gaze softened. She looked to be in conflict with herself. Be logical, or believe that the doe had received a message from her dead or dying husband?

"Please, he doesn't have much time," Beatrice begged, her nervous voice shaken by strong emotion. Starling nodded and got to her feet along with Lanky and Toad. They hurried down the beach in the chilling drizzle with Beatrice leading the way.

"Beatrice, wait!" Starling cried out, but the doe ran on. They all ran to try and keep up with her but Starling was the only one to finally catch up to her.

"You have to wait for us," Starling said as she slid out in front of Beatrice, her paws slipping in the mud. She stood shaky and nervous, deciding that the wolf was right. The rain had calmed down to a light patter. By the time Lanky and Toad caught up, Starling had convinced Beatrice that they had to stay together. After that, they followed the bank on down as the river grew rougher and rougher. They were drawing near the rapids and Beatrice was getting more jittery and antsy by the minute. The sand on the bank became interspersed by large and small rocks the sometimes jutted from the water. The sound of fast moving water could be heard ahead and Beatrice seemed to be torn between bolting to the beginning of the rapids and staying with the group. As she pondered over it and they drew closer, there was a plaintive bleat from up the river. Beatrice took off without hesitation.

"Wait!" Lanky called out, but she ignored him.

"William!" She cried from where she had come to a stop on the bank ahead, her shoulders heaving in determination. "William?"

"Beatrice, I'm over here!" A white stag with tall, silver antlers cried pitifully from a rock in the middle of the river. There was blood smeared and oozing on his coat, all from a set of deep wounds placed on his elegant shoulders. The rain had stopped and the water coursed fiercely around the rocks he had used to get to his sanctuary.

"I need help," He whimpered out to her. Everyone knew there was nothing they could do for him.

"I'll be there soon," Her voice wavered in heartbreak. Beatrice took a tentative step out onto one of the slick, wet rocks. She made her way out to the rock where he was lying, curled and broken.

"I'm scared," William whispered to his wife as she lay down next to him.

"Don't be afraid, I'm right here," Beatrice whispered softly in return, her voice breaking down further as tears welled in her husband's eyes. He leaned against her, his once strong and magnificent frame as weak and vulnerable as a newborn fawn.

"I don't want to die," He whimpered, tears running down his white furred cheeks. Beatrice fell apart then too, with William's face pressed into her neck. William shivered, his voice catching in his throat,

"He's near," He choked out, his eyes on Beatrice and then the woods, "Please bury me," William leaned fully against his wife, his once great strength gone from him.

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