Chapter 34: Part Two

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"I don't understand it, Thorne. How could I have not have known?"

Greyson's panicked words broke through Thorne's haze and his gaze snapped back to the man in front of him. Lady Ridley's ballroom was packed to the gills, and even though Thorne stood heads taller than anyone else in the room, he debated standing on the tips of his toes to search for the one person that mattered.

He cursed low beneath his breath when he couldn't find her, only to be reminded of that fact by her elder brother and Thorne's dearest friend.

Greyson pitched a hand through his overlong black hair. "How did I not know what my own sister was going through?"

The pain in Greyson's tone almost brought Thorne to his knees. He had already known how much he had messed up by letting Georgie go--not once, but twice. His mission was to change that. Tonight. It wasn't lost on Thorne exactly what tonight was--the end of their bargain. Focusing once more on his oldest friend, Thorne wondered if he should come clean.

That it was, in fact, him who had been Georgie's lover. Him, who had given her a child. Only to lose that child without ever meeting him.


First order of business after he graveled his arse off was to see his son with Georgie, to build a connection, even if it was only from his hand touching a gravestone. Second order of business was to wed Georgie as soon as possible. And third? Ravish her and leave her panting in his bed until they had both had their fill and she was pregnant once again.

Hell, probably not even then. He already knew he would never has his fill.

Now, Thorne just needed to find the bloody woman. He had it on good authority that Georgie was here.


"Your sister was never an easy woman to read," Thorne said now, placing a hand on Greyson's shoulder and tightening his grip in comfort. "Knowing Georgianna, she didn't wish to burden you further."

"That shouldn't have mattered. I'm her elder brother. It's my job to look out for her and how can I do that if she won't tell me her problems? I'd do anything for her..."

Thorne's throat felt tight and he swallowed, trying to remove the blockage so he could breathe. His eyes flicked over the crowd once more. "As would I, dear friend. But there's no point in regret or 'has beens' or 'could have dones'. Just knowing you're there for her now will be enough. And upon failing in that, you insert yourself so thoroughly she'll want to turn to you."

And she would. By God, he desperately wanted Georgie to.

This had to be the hardest part. Knowing that he alone was the cause of Greyson's current predicament and that Georgie had been suffering no less than Thorne had.

Greyson's lips tilted at that but all too soon his eyebrows dipped in the center, a formidable expression darkening his eyes. "When I find the bastard that touched her, I will obliterate him into nothing."

"Did she..." Thorne cleared his throat. "...hint who the man was?"

"No, damn you, she didn't. If she had I wouldn't be here now."

Thorne wasn't too sure about that.

"Who would cast aside Georgianna?" Greyson glowered at the room causing a few passing ladies to divert course and go around them. "It's like turning your nose upon a baby, for christsakes. Bloody hell, the culprit bloody did that too, in fact."

"Did he know, however?" The words slipped out from Thorne and he cringed back at the blackness Greyson turned his way. "About the child?"

"The bastard in question had relations with my sister out of wedlock. There were many things the devil could have done to prevent a child, and he should have thought of just such a scenario before he put his prick anywhere near my bloody sister!"

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