Chapter 10

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Encre's P.O.V...

I wake up to something smelling amazing.  I open my eyes, sitting up and sniff the air. I can't figure out the smells other than the smell of bacon.  I don't move as I look around.  I am in a room by myself and the door is closed.  There is a knock at the door and then it opens suddenly. I look down to see I am in different clothes and I touch the fabric, it is soft and it is soothing.  I smile to myself feeling cared about.  "I am glad to see you up, care to join me for breakfast?"  I hear.  I look up to see Papa.  I smile and jump out of bed rushing over to him.  I grab his free hand smiling up at him.  He looks a bit taken back by this and I then shrink back and let go of his hand.  "Sorry..."  I mutter pulling my hands into my chest. I feel myself being lifted up and carried.  "I am glad you said yes, because I made us bacon and pancakes."  He says while carrying me down stairs.  Dream and Cross are there, then I see Cross kiss Dream.  My jaw drops seeing that.  "Get a room..."  I mutter.  "Maybe I will!"  Cross says.  "Use protection~"  I say before sticking my tongue out at him.  "You know what... I would usually hit you for that... But you honestly look too adorable to say anything like that... It is just weird..."  Cross says.  "You better remember I am 43 years old Cross! I might look like a Mortal right now, but I won't for long!"  I say pointing at him.  "Pointing is rude, Encre."  I hear.  I sweat drop hard.  

"Yeah, Encre~ Listen to Gaster~"  Cross coos.  I use a small amount of what is left of my magic and pull his hood over his head.  I had begun to sweat hard due to that.   "Encre... Try not to use your magic... You know you cannot handle peaceful pacifist universes, due to the spell." Dream says. "What spell?" Cross asks us. "Encre tell us about your universe."  Dream says.  "Vamp-verse used to never have the capability to portal out or portal in, and the ability to teleport didn't exist either.  Then it started to dement and it all started accidentally.  The universe started to shift and now it has become warped. We were locked within the universe because people like me can kill off hundreds of people in mere seconds.  There was one timeline where I went insane and I killed every last human.  The timeline reset almost immediately after I did.  Without my timeline all the others are pointless. I have lived long enough in a timeline till all humans and monsters separate, but that is long after me and my ex-mate are left as the only survivors of a war... Even our child is killed. But in the war, me and Asgore face off since well, even though it was Humans vs Monsters.  There is always Mortals vs Immortals.  If I stood in front of any of the kings in anytime they would cower to me for still being alive.  Everything that has happened in my timelines affects the others if they have been gone through properly.  My universe is falling apart, only certain areas reset.  If you are anywhere else it doesn't reset.  For example I lived for over two thousand years before escaping from my timeline as it turned for the worst."  I explain. I run a hand over the scar across my eye.  "Encre... Are you willing to show some of your memories?"  Dream says.  I get set down.  "If you three have nightmares not my fault then."  I answer.  Dream holds up a black ball and then Cross looks confused.  "What is that?"  Cross asks. "It is the same as yours, he is just different... You'll see." Dream says gulping.  "Those are quite negative emotions you have there Encre." I hear then there is a memory put up.  

This one is me chained to the wall as I am sitting up naked.  Fallacy comes into the cell and my eyes open, I am glaring up at him.  He grins down at me before the words echo in my head.  "You ready for another round?" He asks.  I move in my chains and they break off the wall.  They wrap around his neck and there is an insane look in my eyes.  "How about we switch?  How about I beat you, dear?"  I say smiling innocently in the memory.  The memory switches and I am being hit hard and I get hit in the ribs.  I can feel pressure where I am being hit.  "Encre?"  I hear.  The memory switches and this one is a softer one.  "Encre... Let me help you."  I hear.  In the memory I turn around and Fallacy is there smiling.  He helps me lift a box up and then he hugs me from behind.  "How are you doing, love?"  I ask.  Suddenly there are explosions and Fallacy then stabs me through the soul.  Tears are streaming down my face and I reach towards Fallacy in the memory I run my finger tips along the side of his face.  Tears are streaming down his face as I watch him stake himself.  "Encre?"  I hear again the voice a bit more panicked.  The memory switches again and this one is of me slaughtering hundreds in seconds.  I am covered in blood and I just walk away like nothing happens.  

"Gaster he is lost to his own mind.  His universe is traumatic for him."  I hear.  Then there are more and more memories of me being tortured, raped and left to die.  Suddenly they are all gone.  I feel like I cannot breathe as a tear rolls down my cheek.  "How are those happy?"  I hear.  "Encre, are you alright?"  I hear.  I look up and Cross is in front of Dream.  "Encre calm down..."  I hear.  I feel arms go around me and I lose it. Tears are streaming down my face and I start to sob.  I am pulled into someone and I latch onto them hard.  I cry into their chest and I feel someone rubbing my back.  "It is alright now.  It is okay. You are safe now."  I hear. I am holding them tightly to me.  I feel someone stroking my skull gently. Arms around me protectively.  I slowly stop crying and I just rest my head on their chest, "Stupid child form... Stupid child mind... Making me cry like a baby..."  I mutter under my breath.  "You are still going to be a kid till you're a hundred forty-five."  Cross teases.  "At least I don't die before the age of three hundred." I say glaring at him.  Cross jumps into Dream's arms.  I smirk but then rest my head back on their shoulder.  I feel better now that I've cried. 

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