Part 6

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"Hello this is Castiel."
     "Hey I need your help. I'm in the bunker."
     "I'll be there In a moment."
     The flutter of wings signified that the well dressed angel had arrived. You turned to see him standing behind you in the kitchen.
"Hello ______. Where is Dean?"
"You know you're pretty bad at hiding it. Surprisingly, Dean is blind to it."
"I don't understand."
"I know you're in love with Dean Winchester. Hell, Sam knows!"
He blushed and stared at his feet. "I-I umm. I do not know what to say."
You rolled your eyes. "Look, just... flirt a little bit. With Dean. Maybe. If you feel comfortable."
"But Dean is not attracted to males."
______ sighed and mumbled to herself. "JUST FUDGING DO IT CAS!!!"
He jumped back and nodded. "Alright, now where is that brother of yours."
"Right here sunshine." Gabriel appeared at the kitchen doorway with a flutter of wings. "What's up?"
"How much do you wanna screw Sam?"
"Why do you care? You got a crush on him?"
"No. Little to old for me."
"How old are you?"
"15. So answer me damn questions do you want to screw Sam or not?"
"Yes. Very much."
"Well then make it happen!"
"Trust me sunshine, he doesn't swing that way."
"Trust me, sweetie. He does." She went to put a dish in the kitchen sink that had been sitting out on the counter. "So make it happen."
"Fine." With a flutter of wings he was gone. Cas came up behind ______ and started helping with the dishes.
"______, why are you trying to set Sam and Gabriel up together?"
"I can tell when someone really loves a person. I can tell when they are destined for each other, or if it's just a crush they'll get over in a few days. I can't use a Cupid's bow, which usually means I can't do anything about it. Cupids aren't supposed to fall in love, but I could tell my dad did. He fell in love with mom and he was killed for it." He grip turned white on one of the plates. "They both were. They're gonna come for me next. But I'm gonna kill them. I'll kill them for what they did!"
The plate started to crack in her grip and she dropped it, a piece of porcelain coming off.
"Shit." She muttered under her breath. "I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
"It is alright. It was just a plate. They should have more around this kitchen."
"R-right, right. Umm, excuse me for just a minute." She walked back to her room, wiping tears from her eyes. She locked her door and sat on her bed near the small wooden bedside table. She opened the drawer and took out the special knife her dad had given her mother.
When she was in the car with the Winchesters and Castiel, Dean had referred to it as an angel blade, a blade that could kill demons, humans, and angels alike. No one had specified what it could do to cherubs.
_____ dragged the blade along her arm, leaving a red mark from the pressure. She dragged it again, applying more force and leaving a small scratch. She continued to drag the blade over the one spot on her arm, until the bleeding grew to heavy and she knew it would leave a ragged scar. She hid the blade and rushed to the bathroom to clean the wound.
Knocking came from the door. Cas's voice asked if she was alright.
"Y-yeah." She stuttered. "I'm fine Cas."
She left the room and was met with a pair of eyes that sparkled like angels' grace.
"Are you sure about that?" Cas asked. ______ nodded and shoved past him back to the kitchen to continue with chores.

So, you love me? - Destiel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now