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I can't believe they got tattoos, but their tattoos are "savage".

Dedicated to @2k17_xx_ for the chapter idea

Ally's POV

"You all are such a cute couples ." Our waiter at Johnnie's says before leaving to place our order to the chef. Chance and I are on a double date with Emilio and his girlfriend Emily, all of Team 10 met Emily a couple days ago on Skype but none of us really know how they met, so Emilio and Emily are telling Chance and I.

"I first met Emily back in Spain when she was a foreign exchange student she was living with my friend Jackie at the time and we got to become great friends for the year that she was there and we was kept in close contact because we knew that we would always be friends." Emilio says putting his arm around Emily, Emily kisses Emilio's cheek snuggling into his side.

"Yeah and three weeks ago I had gone to The Grove to look for this T-shirt that I really wanted and as i was leaving the store Emilio and I bumped into each other causing us both to fall making me drop my bag." Emily says looking into Emilio's eyes, all I can see is pure love. They truly are a cute couple.

"Here's your spaghetti, your lasagna, your chicken alfredo and your alfredo." Our waiter Libby says placing all of our food on the table.


"This show is amazing Ally, I can't believe I've never watched it before." Chance says sitting down with a huge bowl of popcorn. We are watching the new show 13 reasons why, it's so good I already finished it the day it came out on Netflix but I knew Chance would love to se it.

"Ally please tell me what happens at the end, the suspense is going to kill me." Chance says pausing the tv, I would tell him but I don't want to spoil it for him.

"Sorry I can do, you will just have to wait for the last episode." Chance sighs pouting, Chance knows I can't resist that face. I lean over and give him three quick kisses before I resume the show.


Five episodes in and Chance has already predicted what happens that the end, not all of it but most of it. I get up seeing as the popcorn bowl is empty for the third time, maybe I should warm up some pizza bagels for him. I take the box was out and place 12 of them on a paper plate and pop them in the microwave for about a minute and a half. I trying to grab chance his favorite drink in the whole world Monster,which probably is my fault since I'm the one who probably got my addicted to them but believe me they're really good. I close the refrigerator and pour half of the can and a glass for me and the other half will be in the can for him. The microwave beeps telling me that his pizza bagels are ready I take them out and as I turn I Ivan see you on his bed.

Ever since Jake made that gladiator challenge with the pool noodles I don't hasn't been talking a lot at all anyone, not even Emilio. I don't understand why he stopped talking he was talking last week but then all the sudden that day when he fell in the pool it's like all his emotions stopped. He doesn't really do anything unless Emilio tells him he has to do something, you can see in his eyes that he's not happy anymore he still does his social media but you could tell that his smile is fake. The fans of Team 10 and the Martinez twins have all noticed that he's not happy anymore and I feel really bad because of what the fans are saying about why Ivan is so sad.

Many are saying it's because I moved on way too fast to Chance, others are saying it's his fault that we broke up because he cheated but most of what everyone is saying is that if I was able to move on so fast from our relationship that met that our relationship that we had met actually nothing to me when it's all a lie the relationship I had with Ivan was the best I've ever had I know it's really wrong to say this but....

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