Part 1

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A terrified scream pierced the air. Billy scanned around the abandoned train yard.

"What the hell was that?"

Glancing over at his partner, he nodded to her as he cocked his gun. "I'll be on your six," he said. "Just lay low."

"Not exactly the easiest thing anymore," Daisy murmured to him before they went opposite sides of the railcar.

She paused as she drew out her magnum, pressing her free hand to a crick in her lower back. Her swollen round belly quivered as her unborn baby gave a strong kick.

"Easy in there, kid," she whispered as she crept alongside the tracks. "Mommy knows what she's doing."

Out of nowhere, her gun was kicked from her hand. Johnny Vermilion leapt out of the abandoned locomotive and grabbed Daisy roughly by the shoulders. His maniacal chuckle hissed her ear as she struggled against his grip. She finally pulled away from him and reached for her gun.

"Uh ah ah, blondie," Vermilion had his pistol pointed directly at her head. Daisy caught her breath and held up her hands.

"Take it easy! What do you want, freak?"

"Apocalypta's taking over any town she wants

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"Apocalypta's taking over any town she wants." He glared at her devilishly grinning, his beady eyes shifting to her pregnant belly.

"Want that little twerp of yours to stand a chance? You and your boyfriend either join us or stay out of our way..."

As the demented thug snickered, Daisy glanced over his shoulder. Billy had come around the other way and had his piece in hand. Grinning, she dropped her gun as watched as he struck Vermilion in the head knocking him to the ground.

Daisy hovered over the two men and pulled her knife from her boot as Billy pressed the muzzle of his handgun to their enemy's brow.

"I'm taking you to the sheriff," Billy sneered.

"I think we ate him!" Vermilion hissed, and he laughed again viciously.

Tying the villain up and throwing him in the backseat of the jeep, Billy went and gave Daisy a hand as she climbed into the passenger seat.

As the engine revved up and they pulled out of Harper's Junction, Vermilion went into more psychotic hysterics.

"Gag him!" Billy said sternly. "It's gonna be a long ride..."

Daisy unbuckled from her seat and reached into the back, stuffing a long strip of cloth down Vermilion's throat before tying another over his lips.

She sank back down and strapped herself back in, letting out a winded sigh.

"You okay?" Billy murmured to her.

"Yeah," she nodded. "Just...maybe moving in a moving car should be something to avoid from now on." Smoothing her hand over her engorged abdomen, Daisy shifted her gaze ahead to the unending desert as they drove on.

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