Part 3

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Following Sirene's lead, they began their hike along the cliffs going up the mountain.

As Jack trekked ahead following their guide, Billy kept Daisy close next to him offering her his hand when there were some steps that could throw her off balance.

At one point before they got any deeper into the trail, Sirene stopped them.

"Step where I step," she instructed. "Expect traps up here."

Suddenly a roamer appeared out of nowhere right beside her. Jack acted fast and shoved his boot into it, knocking it off the cliff and down to the canyon below.

"And copperheads." Sirene finished. "There will be copperheads."

They shoved on, climbing up further and reaching some level ground on the edge near the next peak.

Billy had Daisy walk ahead of him, watching her footing closely as they followed behind his brother.

At one point she stopped, pressing her hand beneath her bulging stomach.

"Hey, you okay?" Billy came up next to her. "Fine, I'm fine." She said quickly, clearing her throat.

Her boyfriend glanced up ahead, watching his brother following Sirene's lead.

"I still don't trust her." He muttered.

"Well, Jack does." Daisy looked over at him.

"Yeah, well for all we know, she could be delivering us to Apocolypta herself."

She scoffed. "Good plan. Try to turn a bunch of gunslingers into pet copperheads?" Daisy wrapped her arms around his shoulders, kissing him. "They're never gonna get us."

She smiled. "Come on." She started onward, and Billy sighed going after her.

He didn't get far, though.

As his foot stepped into the broken twigs and leaves, his ankle was caught in a snare that pulled hard and flipped him onto his back, striking his head and dragging him into the woods.

Billy's brain was pounding as he squinted up at the blurry figure hanging over him. He strained to get a better look at his captor, but effort was too much for his possibly concussioned skull.

"Go to sleep." a rough voice hissed.

Everything went black.


"Billy! Billy!" Daisy called, her voice echoing through the canyons below.

He had been right behind her only a moment ago, and now suddenly he was gone

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He had been right behind her only a moment ago, and now suddenly he was gone.

It had to have been one of Apocalypta's goons; she must have had one being a lookout for intruders, and he must have found Billy and captured him.

He had probably been taken straight into the mountain to the psycho witch's lair. The only way in for the rest of them was to continue to the top.

Jack held a hand out to Daisy from the crumbling ledge he stood upon. "Here," he said gently.

She reached out and grabbed his entire arm with both her hands as she pushed herself off of the lower ground, as Jack's other arm reached around her waist and pulled her in.

"Thanks." she nodded.

It was eerily quiet, not a single noise except for their footsteps atop the graveled surface of the peak.  An arrangement of rocks and stones were spread out across a plot of the cliff, presumably some sort of burial site.

Standing above all this was the giant monument of the lady of the mountains. The towering figure loomed over the entire mountainside, its blank eyes keeping watch over the earth stretched out below and beyond.

 The towering figure loomed over the entire mountainside, its blank eyes keeping watch over the earth stretched out below and beyond

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Daisy was overwhelmed by the awesome sight. "I've never seen her this close."

"Few have." uttered Sirene.

"Where's Apocolypta and the rest of her men?" Daisy looked around, trying to find any hints to where Billy might have been taken.

"They live in the mines below." Sirene informed her. "We must find a way in."

"Let's go find my brother." Jack said firmly, and they spread out to begin their search for a way in.

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