The mission

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Dick had to admit that when he first saw Artemis at the Gotham Academy entrance he panicked, forgetting that Bruce had told him of her scholarship the day before, after the first day ended Babs asked him about the picture again and He told her more about the team, He could never hide anything from Babs since they'd known about each other's identity's as Batgirl and Robin since he was nine. After about three weeks after the lunch time introductions they had added Artemis to their small group and frequently hung out at the manor after school until robin and Artemis had to go to the mountain, Artemis (affectionately nicknamed arty) still didn't know about there identities because of the rule of secrecy they both upheld quite well. Dick or robin at the time was sitting on the couch in his signature shades and green hoodie playing video games with Wally as they waited for something exiting to happen. As if the twos prayers where answered, the mission alert sounded signaling the team to the mission room. Batman stood next to a screen looking normal to everyone but robin, he noticed that his mentor looked uneasy but brushed it off and stood next to KF and super boy. "Team this will be an undercover mission in Gotham, you will be posing as Gotham academy students." It took everything in robin not to flip out after hearing all of that. "Some of the teachers there are assumed to be apart of an underground crime network, you will be following Artemis in this mission as she attends the school. Robin you will not be going on this mission as you are needed for other activities" batman finished, looking at his son hoping robin wasn't going to be too mad. "You will be starting tomorrow, this is an overnight mission." Batman paused and looked to robin again. " you all expect for Artemis will be staying at one of the donators of the leagues house, Bruce Wayne. He has already agreed to keep your identities a secret as well as his son Richard grayson" batman stoped to look at everyone " robin come with me everyone else go pack, be at the zeta tubes in an hour" batman finished turning and walking away with robin right behind his as they headed to the zeta tubes and left with a flash of light. "Your sending them here and my school!" Robin yelled as soon as they entered the batcave. " yes but if it makes you feel better I do so very reluctantly" batman answered taking of his cowl reveling Bruce Wayne, robin followed suit taking off his mask as well showing his sparkling blue eyes. " but tati, why though, couldn't we just do it" robin whined " no that would risk you revealing your identity to more then just the team, this way we can control the situation, now go get changed, the team will be here soon and you can't tell them your identity" Bruce answered gesturing towards the small bat cave elevator that lead up to the manor " fine" dick said trudging towards the elevator and stepping in. For once dick was happy his older brothers and sisters Damian, Jason, Terry, Cass, Stephanie and Tim have all moved out or where at friends houses because if they haven't they would have made things even more complicated and confusing, and dick did not have the patience to explain everything to the team. He walked passed the teams soon to be rooms, the doors now labeled with one of the team members names on each, which must have been done while he was away, most likely by alfie, his room was a few doors down right next to Bruce's room as dick constantly had night terrors and this way Bruce could get to him quickly if one should occur. Dick opened his door to reveal a large room, his canopy bed neatly decorated with red sheets and an assortment of pillows was pushed up to the middle of the wall left to the door, a neat wooden desk was against the back left wall while the rest of the back wall was filled with bookshelves, each self-filled with a book neatly alphabetized by author, on the right wall was a TV and an assortment or gaming consoles neatly placed on a desk below the wall mounted TV, in front of the TV and gaming table was a coffee table surrounded by a comfortable black couch and two black recliner chairs, in the back right corner there where two evenly spaced doors, one door opened to a bathroom that had a long mirror, a counter with a sink and cabinet attached, a small shower and a toilet. Through the other door, there was a small walk-in closet with a secret number pad which opened up another small closet that held all of Dicks robin gadgets as well as some robin civis. With all of these things you would think the room would be cramped, on the contrary the room was spacious enough to tumble in and not hit anything. Dick walked into his closet and dressed himself in a light blue button down shirt and black somewhat dress like pants. Next he when to go the bathroom and slicked back his hair with some hair gel. Dick looked at the time, thirty minutes till the team supposedly gets there, dick then pulls out his phone and calls babs. " Hey dick whats up?" Babs answers "oh nothing just that. My team is coming to the manor and going to our school tomorrow!" Dick yelled finally showing how scared he was. "Hey dick calm down, keep a cool head remember your robin the boy wonder you can handle a few teenagers" babs reassured him, she was always good at keeping him grounded when he got like this. " but babs they aren't even aloud to know I'm robin what if I slip up what If i-" babs cut him off " dickie listen I'm here if you need to freak out but you need to stay calm while your with then ok?" Barbara asked "ok, also sups has super hearing so if we want to talk privately we can always work in your Romanian." Dick said calming down "ok voi încerca" (ok I'll try) "la revedere babs" (goodbye babs) "pa dick" (bye dick) then they hung up and dick prepared for the week of his team living at his house.


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