Youko X Reader BANG!

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"Youko, get your ass back here!" You yelled chasing the silver haired demon down the stairs, your hair whipping around you. Your matching fox ears were flattened against your skull as you chased the fox thief.

The male fox demon in question, laughed. "Come and get me (Name)!"

The black haired bat demon of the team poked his head out from the kitchen as the two fox demons rushed by him. He quickly grabbed his hat to keep it from flying off. "I better save her, before she catches him." He grumbled to himself. Kuronue took off after you two and, thanks to his wings, he was able to catch up with you both. Kuronue grabbed you under your arms and lifted you into the air.

You fought against his hold as Youko disappeared into the forest. "Kuronue, put me down!"

"(Name) calm down or I'll end up dropping you."

You glanced down and saw that Kuronue had flown pretty high up so you stopped struggling. You might be a demon, but a fall from this high would defiantly hurt you. "Alright Kuronue, I'm calm. Please put me down."

Kuronue starts lowering you both down to the ground. "So what did Youko do this time?"

You growled your ears pressing back down. "He peaked in on me while I was changing!" Your tail twitched as you remembered what happened earlier.

You had just finished with your shower and had exited the bathroom, which thankfully was attached to your bedroom. A billow of steam floated out of the bathroom into the bedroom as you opened the door. You had a towel wrapped tightly around your body and another towel in your hand as you rubbed your hair dry. After you got your hair pretty dry, you grabbed your hair brush and started to comb your hair. You then dropped the towel to the ground and put on a matching pair of underwear. As you reached for the pair of pants you had pulled out from your closet, you failed to notice the bedroom door behind you. You slipped your pants on and reached for the shirt. You put your arms though the holes and were about to put your head into the collar when you heard the door creak behind you.

Your head whipped towards the door and you saw a pair of gold eyes staring at you. You yelped, feeling your face get hot. "Youko! How long have you been there?!"

Youko smirked. "I have to say I like the matching panties and bra, (Name)."

You felt your face get hotter. "Youko!" You quickly slid the shirt on over your head and turned to him glaring. "I'll kill you!"

"Catch me if you can!" Youko took off.

"Youko get your ass back here!" You chased after him.

"So that's what happened." Kuronue placed you back on the ground. "Still you shouldn't kill him."

"Kuronue this isn't the first time! He's always doing stuff like this!"

Kuronue smirked. "Maybe he likes you."

You felt yourself blush and looked away so he wouldn't notice. "Don't be stupid. Youko is just a pervert."

"That's not true." You looked back at Kuronue. "Youko doesn't act like this to anyone else. Only you."

You rolled your eyes. "Oh that makes me feel better. So he's only perverted around me."

Kuronue leaned down in whispered in your ear. "He acts like that because he loves you. You pay attention to him when he's like that." Kuronue stood up straight. "Think about it." He then turned and walked back into the hideout leaving you alone in the courtyard.

You bit your lip. "That's can't be." You decided to take a walk though the forest to clear your thoughts. "Kuronue couldn't be right, could he?"

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