4. Hail To The Thief

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I got this album for Christmas on Vinyl and I played it like every day on the holidays as this album is just fantastic. It's maybe just a little bit better than Amnesiac as it feels like more of it's own thing with it's own style whereas Amnesiac in parts felt like "Kid A 2": Which isn't a bad thing, Kid A is great, however I feel that Hail To The Thief has more of an established sound. This is probably the most politically charged album Radiohead's ever made as it was their first post 911 album, a fact that reflects quite a lot onto the music in this album. For example, the name of the album "Hail to the Thief" is supposed to be talking about George W Bush. The more organic instrumentation compared to Amnesiac and Kid A is refreshing, even if there are songs like Myxomatosis, Backdrifts and The Gloaming that are very profoundly electronic. It's got some great songs, like the opener 2+2=5, There There (Radiohead's most successful single since OK Computer) and the incredible closing song "Wolf at The Door". Some of the songs aren't doing it for me as much as others, namely Punch Up at a Wedding and The Gloaming.

FAVOURITE SONGS: Wolf at the Door, 2+2=5, There There

LEAST FAVOURITE SONGS: Punch Up at a Wedding, The Gloaming

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