Fairy Tail #20: True meaning

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I closed the gate of Luna - so she could gain back her magic that lost in the battle. Sighing, I look on Natsu's face who's been looking on the direction where Nashi, our daughter stand to defeat, Zian. Biting my lower lips, this war is not the answer - maybe Zian is just a lost spirit just like Luna when I met her in the island.

Natsu must felt my anxiety so he held my hand making me look on his face "Lucy, are you alright?"

"Do we really need to do this, Natsu? I-I don't want to see my daughter fighting to Spirit." my voice is soft. I lick my lower lips and tried to smile to him "I want to save Zian, just the way I save Luna. But I don't want t-to fight him. I-I don't want to see my daughter get hurt either. I just can't choose whose side I'm with. I love them both but... but..." tear started to came out in my eyes even though I tried too hard to hold them up "... but I have a feeling that I need to choose between them."

"I understand, Lucy." Natsu gently brushed his thumb on my cheeks as he gave me a reassuring smile "Whatever you do. I'm always with you."

"Natsu.." I sobbed.

"Stop crying is bad for you and for our baby." he said gently before pressing his lips on my temple. Brushing my hair a little "Don't worry, Lucy. Everything will be fall in their right places."

I was about to say something when all of the sudden. The wind suddenly stopped or it was the time itself who stop and the next thing we heard a loud thud coming on the other side of Magnolia. In our place, we could feel the dark magic that coming through Zian's body. "I-I have a bad feeling about this." I murmured - red and black is surging, Zian magic are keep on increasing and the magic of Nashi slowly dying which makes me nervous. "Natsu--" before I could say anything - thunder strikes; winds are blowing and the next thing I knew.

The whole Magnolia is burning. Wounded people are keeping running for their lives. What happen? Strong wind are keep on coming in the south were Nashi is there. "I need to put you in the safe place now, Lucy." Natsu said helping me to get up in my own feet.

"But, I need to talk to Zian. I need to stop him from causing this trouble."

"Lucy, you can't do that." he hissed - his eyes shows different kind of emotions "You can't risk your life coming there."

"But you are there." I reason out. "You're there so I know that you will protect me." I said - I was about to touch his face when suddenly he took one step behind "But what if I failed like my future self. I can't... I can't take the risk, Lucy. Please. We will go back in the guild."

"No, Natsu, please let me do this."

"Let me do this, also." he begs. "I failed to save you in the future Lucy. That's why our daughter is back on this time to find a way to bring your life back. I should be the one who's doing that but No, I stayed in the future causing trouble by turning into dragon. Lucy... I'll be a monster if I lose you, I'll be insane."

My words disappeared as I look Natsu's helpless expression. I want to comfort him with my word of wisdom but it just that - we both know what happen to me in Nashi's time. With a sigh, I nodded to him. We're supposed to make our way back in the guild when the ground starting on moving and right there and then... couple of monsters came out of nowhere.

They were buildup of metal hide gleamed in the sun. It had fist-sized rubies for eyes, and horns of polished silver. When it opened its hinged mouth, a column of white-hot flame blasted out.

"What the hell are those things?" Natsu said shock is written all-over-his face now.

"Natsu." I said trying to overcome my fear. Natsu look on me and then grab my hand and we started to run away on monster. "Natsu, what are you doing?"

"I can't fight those things when you're around." he shouted.

"I'll be fine. I can still fight." he shook his head not bothering to look on my face. "Natsu..."

I looked back on the monster behind us, and I saw that they're started running in a wide arc, making its way back toward us. The monster number two jump making my eyes wide, fire came out on his or her mouth - I closed my eyes tight waiting for me to hit it but I feel nothing and we still running. When I open my eyes, Erza is standing right in front of monster number two - cutting the flames in its side. I couldn't tell if it felt any pain, but its ruby eyes seemed to glare at me like Erza just made things personal.

"Keep going, I will hold them up." Erza said without looking on us.

I stop from moving. "We can't leave you here. Right, Natsu. And why you didn't eat the fire?" I asked confusedly.

"I smell poison in fire, Lucy. If I eat the fire and then something happen to me - I might leave you here." he confess. Why Natsu is acting like this? I just don't understand why...

"Go back to the guild, Lucy. Flame-brain will keep acting like coward when you're around." Gray appeared from nowhere.

"Now, go Lucy." Erza said


"Come on, Lucy." Natsu grab my hand again "We need you back in the guild now."

"I can't" I shouted making Natsu stop from making any moves even the monster stop for a while. "I can't leave my friends - I rather stay here with you guys. I'm also a Fairy tail wizard - I can use magic and I can definitely fight on my own. Why are you treating me like a baby?"

"Because, Lucy is not only you." Gray say making me confused.

"I...I..." I don't know what to answer him.

"We need you safe because if anything happen to you and your unborn baby, surely... Nashi will be dead. Her present self is inside your body, Lucy." Erza pointed out.

"Natsu wants to fight, also. But his father and his think about his unborn child and his lover. Natsu wants to save you and make you safe because three lives are inside of you." Gray says.

Three lives? My life, my unborn baby and Nashi's life.

"Fairy tail wizard never left her family behind her back" I whisper.

Erza smile on me "And your family never let you down, Lucy. That's true meaning of our guild." my vision clouded of my tears but before I could react - Natsu carried me (bridal style) and run off - leaving Erza and Gray on our back.

I hate the fact that I should be in the guild sitting there while others are fighting for my own safety. I should fight on my own but here I am dragging by the love my love in the safe place because he can't so sure about his ability when it comes to my safety.

I don't like this feeling. I hate this!

Natsu entrust me to our master, he said he loves me that he will return in the guild together with our daughter, Hikaru and the others.My heart started beating so fast which makes me hard to breathe - my baby bump is aching which makes me nervous. And then suddenly, the moments that I've with my daughter Nashi flashes on my mind like a tidal wave and right there and then...

I knew something bad happen.

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