Chapter 2

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Love will make a person do terrible things. Will has been at the party with me for ten minutes and although we've talked about nothing important, it's clear he's a really nice guy. He's also getting impatient.

"You're sure Elizabeth is coming?" He looks at his watch for the fifth time. "Her parents seem too strict for this type of party."

I bite my lip and look around at the half drunk seniors. No, the "Elizabeth" Will knows would never be here. However Sarah is a carbon copy of these idiots.

"She's coming. I promise."

And then I catch a break because Sarah and Zach walk in the door. The crowd cheers and half the football team goes to greet their captain. Will sees her the same time I do. The same time Zach leans down and gives her a kiss I've been forced to watch for years. It's the one where he touches her face. The one that hurts more than any other.

I don't have time to apologize. As soon as Zach turns his back, Will is out the door and Sarah too, chasing him. I stand, like the others around me, watching the commotion.

"Who the hell was that?" Zach is staring at me.

I fall into his eyes, angry blue sapphires that only make him more beautiful. I want to scream she's not worth it. "I don't know. But he was asking about Sarah. Maybe he's a friend." I widen my eyes and pretend to look innocent and surprised.

Zach doesn't see it. He's too busy slamming two beer bottles on the counter. He tries for the front door, but Billy Catore, Zach's favorite wide receiver, steps in front of him. "Hey, I just saw Sarah out front with some guy. It looked pretty intense. What's up?"

Zach's perfectly muscled back strains. "Get out of my way so I can find out." His voice is a cross between a growl and a bark, and Billy backs off, hands raised.

I follow Zach to the front door, discretely, like a mouse after cheese. He doesn't get a chance to open it. Sarah walks in. Tears stain her cheeks and she closes her eyes when Zach starts demanding answers. My stomach sways. It's a reality TV nightmare and I'm sucked in like a junkie.

"What is going on? First Ryan. Now some weirdo I've never seen before. I won't put up with this!" Zach is in her face and I wonder how she can watch him with such contempt.

"Really Zach? Should I remind you about Candy or maybe Shelly or who was it at Christmas? Stephanie! I'm going home." She starts to walk away, but Zach grabs her arm.

My stomach dips. He's squeezing hard enough that she winces. "I'll take you, then."


I don't hear more because Zach pulls her forward and says something into her ear. She looks around. I try to move, but it's too late. She's seen me eavesdropping, and by the way her eyes narrow into tiny blue slits, she knows I did this.

Zach whispers in her ear again and her body concedes. Shoulders slump. Her gaze drops to the floor. Zach releases her arm and she walks out the front door. He follows and I feel the ache of my heart breaking into a thousand pieces.

This was supposed to be my moment. I was going to be his comforter. The one he told all his problems to. The one who would hold his hand until he sees how much he's in love with me.

"It's never going to happen." I'd know that high-pitched voice anywhere. Ashley.

"Go away." I push by her, making sure to give a shove with my shoulder. I haven't been on friendly terms with Ashley since sophomore year when she called me a heifer in front of our entire Geometry class, including Zach. Kids mooed at me for a week until I finally punched Scott MacVoy in the nose. Nobody messed with me after that.

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