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|Peace & Distress of Love|


I was screaming. I keep on running but it seems like there's no way out from this hell happening. I can't see anything but blood. I could hear them laughing not so far from where I am; those devils... they killed mom and my step-dad along with my other relatives. I shuddered at the thought and the tears started to fall from my eyes. My whole body was trembling with fear and hatred..

"Boo! There you are little one," the one who stabbed my step-dad to death grabbed my coat and yanked me backwards. I struggled against his hold but it was a wasted effort because he was too big and strong for my size.  I spit on his face instead and he got mad at me and lifted me up to throw me hard to the wall. The earring sound of the hard impact of my head hitting the wall was the last thing that rang through my ears and I passed out.


The sound of dripping water woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes but all I could see was still pitch black and I instantly knew I was blindfolded. I tried to move my arms but it was tied up behind my back and so was my mouth too. I stayed quiet for what feels like hours, squeezing my eyes every now and then hoping that this was all just a nightmare but every time I do that nothing happens.

Suddenly, there were screaming from across the room. Who could that be?

"Help!! M-mommy help me!!" My body froze; that couldn't be....

"Ana!!" I heard Cristina's voice. " Oh my God, please don't touch her. I'm begging you just take my life! Anything! Just don't do anything to her please.." She continued to plead.

"Mmmmmmm!!!" I tried to shout but my mouth was tightly tied and I couldn't utter even a single word. "Mmmmmmmmmm!!!" I began crying I feel so hopeless; I was crying for my family's life, for Ana's family. Isn't my family already more than enough? Why do they need to involve my best friend's family too? They didn't do anything to them! My family didn't do anything!

I shut my eyes close trying to block everything that I was hearing from the other room. I couldn't listen to it anymore. I'm so angry that they didn't put an earplug to my ears.. It's what I needed the most not this blindfold or anything else.

The voices of the devils were filling the room where I am. I could hear the footsteps of one of them coming closer to me. And with a hard to tug, the blindfold and the tie on my mouth fall off and I began to slowly see again. Which I regretted the moment my eyes landed on the body hanging upside down in front of me. Realizing that what I was hearing before wasn't a dripping of water but instead was blood coming out from my almost beheaded step-dad, I started shaking from fear.. I screamed and screamed. The one who pulled out my blindfold covered my mouth with his hand to keep me from screaming. At that moment I didn't care anymore that the hand of the devil was dirtying my mouth even more, I didn't care that his hand was catching all my tears, and I didn't care about anything in particular anymore. All I am seeing is the dead body before my eyes and the feeling of how much I wanted to just die right now.

And just when I thought my suffering already ended with that, a tall man entered the room holding a figure that I'm all familiar with. I didn't think twice and ran as fast as I could towards my step-brother, Collin. His legs were limped like a broken doll and there's a gushing blood coming out from his head as well. I held his head in my arms and glowered at the man who brought him. To my astonishment, I saw the man I was least expecting to see or the one who I actually was hoping to rescue my family a moment ago.. but clearly that was beyond from the truth now.

"You!!" My tears started to stream down my face again for a countless time. "Uncle Greig how could you do this!!? M-mom trusted you so much.. Y-you're dad's best friend for pete's sake!!"

"I'm sorry honey, but your mom left me with no choice."

"What did mom do to you for you to kill them?!! You crazy old man!!"

"Watch your mouth you imbecile child!" He pulled my hair and held my face--his fingers digging deep to my skin; restraining me to look away and with a disgusting voice he added, "And if you want me to spare your life and this worthless brother of yours, you'll do as I say. Do you understand?!"

"You're sick.."

"Oh, yes I am."


I was fuming with anger up to the depth of my soul. Greig dressed me up like nothing ever happened and introduced me to his wife along with a made up story he obviously planned for everyone to believe.

"December 22nd, Harrison's family was massacred in their home with the addition of Taylor's family. Fortunately, their youngest daughter just came home from playing with one of the neighbors so she was most likely unscathed and the policemen (uh-oh, must never forget the partner-in-crime policemen) just arrived in time to save the little girl. But unfortunately, the whole house was burned down so the investigators were having a hard time tracing the evidences. The son named Collin also survived the tragedy but got admitted to the hospital and was declared in a coma. And the hero himself claimed that he's going to adopt the daughter because he's the only closest next to a family left for the poor girl."

He really deserves a round of applause for all I know.

I stayed in a psychiatric clinic which one of Greig's acquaintances owns for a year to cure my PTSD. I wouldn't talk, eat or do anything at all. I am lifeless. Until one day, I came to my senses and I told myself that I had to be strong since I'm not likely going to die any sooner I might as well make the most of it and live to take my revenge to my enemy. I shouldn't just give up like that. I was left here to avenge my family's death. That is going to be my life's purpose from now on. I'm going to live for them. And since Greig needed something from me, I will use that to my advantage. He couldn't kill me now even if he wanted to, not until he get what he wants that is.


I stayed for a couple more months in the clinic until I could finally go out and live with the Richards. Until I could finally start my sweet revenge.

As I entered the mansion of the Richards; my enemies den, I can't help but despise all the things that's on it. I silently cursed that the place should just burn down; the flames eating the pieces of Greig Richards. But that is going to be an easy come back I told to my inner self, I want him to suffer every minute of his remaining life. Pieces by pieces of him should encounter hell.

We reached the living room of the big mansion and Greig told me to sit quietly and wait for his instructions. Paula, Greig's wife, made a small talk with me while were waiting for their son to join us. She looks nice but I know enough not to trust people just by their appearance; she might be as evil as her husband is.

And after the long wait, their son finally came out from his room upstairs. 'Bastard, spoiled kid' I thought. The kid made his way to kiss his mom on the cheeks; a tight knot on my chest formed within me as I pictured them as me and my mom. But I instantly stopped myself from feeling any emotions. 'I couldn't be weak from now on' I chanted on. 'I should make them pay.'

Paula's voice pulled me out from my reverie. "Cameron, meet your elder sister.. Katherine Leighton. Kath, this is Cam." She ushered me forward, smiling while she's looking back and forth from me to her son.

As soon as I saw the innocent ocean blue eyes that was staring back at me, I already know what I have to do...

I already know how I would take my revenge on Greig Richards.

And for the first time after that horrible incident, I smiled...

"Hi, Cameron... It's really nice to meet you."


Author's Note:

this is the only time I would use Katherine's POV, so basically Cameron would tell the whole story.. and hope you guys would give this story a chance and tell me what you think in every chapters. I've got a lot of things in mind for this story so just keep supporting me okay?

Xx sherlocksimpxX

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