Screaming Tranquility

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It had been some time since they had changed the white, modern lab for the familiar lush green forests of the mainland. The tranquility surprised them. Though Raven had calculated that the black rain would arrive at Becca's island shortly, they could not help but wonder what would remain after it had passed. Insects had vanished, yet they saw some small animals like birds flying through the sky, when they arrived at the appointed place. Clarke looked behind her, seeing the tired face of her mother which showed a little smile as their eyes met for a second. Behind her mother were Jackson and Roan, their bodies a bit worn out after having to carry Luna. As they put her down, to get her to stand up herself, her face showed some signs of physical pain. It was because she was still not fully recovered from the bone marrow extraction they performed on her. As Clarke would look around the place where they arrived, Murphy smirked a bit in his familiar way, staying close to Emori. Emori had been quiet since the event with Clarke, but she warmed a bit to her. Not to the others, as she knew they were willing to sacrifice her to the radiation, but she owed Clarke her life and expressed tiny bits of gratitude in her own way. She had not said much, but she asked Clarke if she were ok after injecting herself with the black magic potion that were to save them all , then thanking her for her act. But Clarke did not know why she did it. She knew she could not be missed - did she inject herself because she really wanted to save someone? Because if so, why hadn't she rescued Baylis , or whoever he was? Or did she inject herself to honor Lexa? "It seems they have forgotten about us" Murphy said, his tiny little smirk vanishing from his face. "A bit of rain and all they think about is saving their own asses" he said, now annoyed by having to wait again. "Marcus said they would be here, we just have to wait, they will be here soon". Clarke looked once again at her mother, now moving towards Luna who got up from the stretcher, while Roan and Jackson were stretching their exhausted muscles from carrying for so long. Raven were the one to move to her quickly - it seemed that Luna's comforting words deepened the connection between the two, forming a bond no others could understand. Perhaps this bond was strengthened by Luna saving Raven, or Raven opposing to taking Luna's bone marrow - but it is something no one would know. They simply accepted that it was like that - they have bigger problems than Luna and Raven. As Raven supported Luna, the mechanic sound of a roaring motor could be heard from the dense forest of trees. Birds flew away, and cobbles dashed to all sides as the rovers came driving towards them. Clarke had trouble viewing who was inside and squinted her eyes a bit. As soon as the rover was close enough, it stopped, the cobbles moving for the last time as the wheels stood still. "That took some time" Murphy said, still annoyed by having to wait. The relieved face of Bellamy appeared when the door of the rover was opened. "Glad to see you are all in one piece" he said, a smile appearing on his face. "It's good to see you too" Clarke said as she too was relieved to see that the black rain did not do much harm to him. But their happy reunion was short , for they knew they had to move soon as the black rain would be back again soon. "We should get moving fast" he said, the sky behind him turning cloudy and threatening. Raven nodded, as she had problems carrying Luna for long since her leg would not support both of them completely. Luna, knowing this, carefully moved away from Raven. "I can walk myself" she said, while moving to the rover. A quick thought of running away crossed her mind. She had lost everything already, derrick, all her innocent little children... but she knew she would have to stay. Her wounds needed care, and she could not survive for long on her own out there. Who knew what she would come across : animals who haven't had food for days and now change their diets to eat the flesh of humans? Or worse: people who want her for her blood? So she walked, moving into the back of the rover as she knew this was the only way to survive. Raven climbed in, having difficulty in getting in with her leg. Soon they were joined by Roan, Miller, Jackson and Murphy. Emori was watching them doubtfully. She too knew that she , a freikdrana, would be back among people like them soon. People who wanted to sacrifice her. "Come, I won't let them hurt you." Murphy said looking around to the others, then reaching his hand towards her. She looked at the others doubtfully, while Clarke approached them. She gave Emori a little nod when she turned her head, knowing that Emori would understand that she would not sacrifice someone she would want to kill later. With her good hand, Emori took John's hand and got into the rover. Clarke looked at the people sitting inside and got in, ready to get back to Arkadia.

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