Flirting with the Rich [2]

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Chapter 2: Matt Harper

Math class was a snooze, but Mr. Thomas made it bearable because on top of him being an eye candy he's also down to earth. The bell rang for lunch and everyone quickly gathered their belongings and shot straight for the door.

"Hey new girl, good luck finding someone who wants to sit next to you at lunch", said Samantha and her crew as they grabbed their fancy backpacks and skipped out of the door laughing.

"Don't listen to them, they're just air heads who believe good looks and money can get them whatever they want in life", said the brunette sitting next to me.
"My name is Tammy Harlow and I've practically grew up with everyone at this school; you can sit with me at lunch if you'd like", she insisted.

We headed towards the door and into the hallway where crowds of people are gathered around gossiping. I looked at my schedule and found my locker number and combination on the top right hand corner of the paper. Tammy and I put our belongings into our lockers and got ready for lunch.

"Mind if we make a pit stop to the bathroom, I need to reapply my makeup really quickly", Tammy said.
"I don't mind at all", I said.

The stalls were all in use, and some girls were just texting away on their cellphones. All of the girls stop and stare at me while I'm trying to squeeze my way in front a mirror.

"What exactly do you think you're doing, looking in the mirror won't fix your appearance" Samantha snarled.

"Bitch, don't make me slap all of the caked makeup off your pretty little face!"

"Calm down Alanna, she's not worth fighting with" Tammy said.

"Look around Alanna, you don't fit in here. You're only friends with Harlow because she's just as much of a loner as you are"
The girls in the bathroom started laughing.
"Come on girls, let's give these losers some space." Samantha put her makeup back in her purse, snapped her fingers, and the whole crew followed her towards the door.
"Watch your back, Alanna" she said while nudging my body towards the sink.

Tammy reapplied her lipstick, and I washed my hands. "Let's get out of here before lunch is over" she said.
As we head to the cafeteria, I see this tall, handsome, and perfectly tan hottie.

"!" I squealed.

"That's Matt Harper, he's every girl's dream. His family owns the Harper Hotel and Resort. Beware of him though, he will sweeten you up one moment and then ditch you in the blink of an eye"

"He must be extremely rich, he doesn't happen to have a girlfriend does he?" I looked at Tammy with the most desperate eyes in the world just to here her say that he's on the market for a girlfriend.

"Samantha claims that she is dating Matt, but he has never confirmed any of her allegations. Samantha doesn't want any girl even breathing in his direction. It's like a radar goes off in her head whenever someone stares at him, so stay far away from him as possible unless you are ready to deal with her."

"Samantha is about to be in for a rude awakening this year. I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but she doesn't scare me in the slightest. If war is what she wants then war is what she'll get. Matt is going to be mine." At that moment, Tammy realized that I was backing down with a fight.

We head into the lunchroom and sit in a corner near the window. After eating for a few minutes the bell rings and everyone heads to class. That afternoon when school was over, I went to my locker to make sure I had everything with me before I head home.

"Hey new girl, what's your name?" A smooth voice spoke from over my shoulders.
I turned around and there he was, Matt Harper. I could hardly keep my composure. I blushed a little and replied, "I'm Alanna, and who are you?" He moved in front of me putting one hand on my locker and the other on my right shoulder, "I'm Matthew, but you can call me Matt."

I clenched to my book bag straps while smelling his string cologne under my nose. A few moments later, I see Samantha from over Matt's shoulder and she's stomping her way down the hall.

"Matthew! Baby, why are you over here talking to her? She's not worth speaking to" She sharply glanced my way.

"Samantha, quit calling me baby. I was just about to invite my new friend Alanna here to the party I'm throwing this weekend." I froze in place with a shocked expression.
"So, what do you say? Would you like to go?"
I smirked at Samantha, "of course, I'd love to go."
"Good. How about I swing by your place and pick you up Saturday at 9pm?" I laughed and then agreed with the plans.

"Wow! You're going to invite this ugly piece of shit to the party? I mean look at her... she doesn't even look like she can afford a nice dress to wear" Samantha turned towards me, "I sure hope you didn't think you'd be able to get a dance with anyone while wearing those ugly clothes, now did you?"

"Samantha back off!" Matt yelled.

"It's okay, she's right. I don't have a nice dress to wear to the party and I wouldn't want to embarrass you in front of your rich friends" I said.
Matt looked at me, "don't worry cutie, I'm sure we can find you something nice. How about we meet up in the parking lot tomorrow at 4pm after school?"
I nodded and then headed towards the door so I could get home and eat.

That night I stayed up fantasizing about all of the gorgeous dresses I'm going to try on, and how nice it's going to be hanging out with Matt Harper.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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