1. Ifuku
2. 衣服Kimono:
1. Kimono
2. 着物Japanese bathrobe/summer kimono:
1. Yukata
2. 浴衣Shirt:
1. Shatsu
2. シャツCoat:
1. Ko-to
2. コートUnderwear:
1. Shitagi
2. 下着Bra:
1. Buraja-
2. ブラジャーJacket:
1. Jaketto
2. ジャケットDress:
1. Doresu
2. ドレスPajamas:
1. Pajama
2. パジャマSkirt:
1. Suka-to
2. スカートT-shirt:
1. T-shatsu
2. T-シャツTrousers:
1. Zubon
2. ズボンSweatshirt:
1. Tore-na-
2. トレーナーHat:
1. Boushi
2. ぼうしShoes:
1. Kutsu
2. くつSocks:
1. Kutsushita
2. くつしたScarf:
1. Suka-fu
2. スカーフSwimsuit:
1. Mizugi
2. みずぎ
Japanese Words
De TodoHello! I did make another one of these books in the past, I had an old friend helping me in the past. I'll try to make this one better and I have a 100/100 accurate source so this one will be good! Thanks for reading! Note: Remember they don't have...