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I hid back another wince as Hinata and Neji's match finished, going exactly as it had in cannon. It was brutal, and just flat out painful to watch.

The moment I had noticed Orochimaru, I had signaled this to Sasuke and Naruto, both of which were still mildly tense. I couldn't even sense Orochimaru's chakra, so I couldn't obviously point him out to someone, claiming his chakra reserves were too massive to be just a Jōnin. I couldn't even bet anyone would recognize his scent—as I'm sure if Kakashi or Anko did they would have already done something about it—so we were momentarily stuck on what to do regarding him.

I felt nervous in his presence, and unconsciously I inched closer to Sasuke and Naruto. My hand almost instinctively grabbed onto Naruto's, but I was able to restrain myself.

I watched on as the computer screen flickered to life again and the next match was chosen.

Gaara of the Sand


Tsuchi Kin

This match will be so one-sided it's not even funny, Kurama snorted softly.

I inwardly nodded in agreement. She's dead, no questions asked.

In fact... I predict the rest of the matches will equally be one-sided. Lee and dog-boy, and then that fat boy and whatever his name is.

What makes you say that?

Call it a lucky guess, if you will.

I winced as Gaara's sand caught Kin in its grasp, and winced a last time when Gaara gave a sort of insane giggle before completely crushing her in his sand. Her blood leaked through the grains, dropping to the floor.

"That guy... what's wrong with him?" Naruto muttered.

"His seal is unstable," I murmured. "His bijū and him are at an unstable relationship, both hurting from the seal."

"That doesn't mean he can just..."

I didn't respond to that, feeling a rush of chills run down my spine. Following my instinct, I raised my gaze and flinched. Orochimaru was looking directly at us, a tongue flicked out and he licked his lips.

"Fucking creeper," Sasuke snapped lowly, fighting to keep his face neutral and not to scowl at Orochimaru, lest we be given away.

"Mm? Do my cute little Genin know him?" Kakashi murmured.

"I-I don't like his scent," I managed. "I have a bad feeling about him. Sh-Shisho, why don't you take a closer look at him? Maybe you know him from somewhere?"

"Can't say that I do," Kakashi replied. "Don't worry, though. I won't let anything happen to my cute little Genin."

I chuckled weakly at that.

Inuzuka Kiba


Rock Lee

Another completely one-sided match. Kind of anticlimactic...


Suddenly feeling very tired of all the fighting and blood, I abruptly turned to Kakashi. "Do you think I'll be allowed to go to the bathroom? I promise I'll be quick."

"Mn. Five minutes."



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