Between the Lines

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Kakashi was leaning heavily on Sasuke and myself as the entire Konoha group stood before Gaara, Kankurō, Temari and Baki in Gaara's office.

"Must you leave so soon? You're all still tired, you need time to rest," Temari fretted.

"Don't worry, Temari-senpai," I soothed. "We have to get back to Konoha as soon as we can anyway and report to Obaa-chan."

"I understand," Gaara said softly. "Still, I wish you could stay a bit more."

"Maybe next time," Naruto laughed.

"Hn. We should probably get going," Sasuke muttered.

One by one we filed out of the office, though Naruto took Kakashi's other half so I could stay a moment or two. The door was left opened behind me, as I wasn't going to take long. I moved quickly, wrapping my arms around Temari. The girl gave a soft chuckle, returning my hug. I repeated the process for Kankurō, Baki and finally Gaara.

I hesitated a moment before kissing Gaara's cheek as well. "Be safe, Nii-chan."

Gaara blinked vapidly at me. "... I will. Watch over Naruto for me."


"What? You kiss him, but not me?" Temari teased. I smirked, flickering towards her and kissing her cheek as well. Kankurō laughed.

"Be safe, all of you," I told them before leaving.


After we had reached Konoha and the first reports were given, I requested privacy with Tsunade in her office. I hesitated a moment before presenting her with two scrolls. The first one contained Sasori's heart and the second one, his body.

"I managed to capture the Akatsuki member Sasori," I informed her.

Her eyes widened and Shizune sucked in a sharp breath.

"He's turned himself into a puppet, however, and lost all capabilities of feeling anything physical, not to mention he lacks a brain so the Yamanaka technique wouldn't work on him, and normal interrogation wouldn't either," I continued. "I doubt he would be of much use to you now, but he was willing to share an interesting bit of information with me before... before I captured him."

Tsunade eyed me as she took both scrolls. "... Go on."

"It pertains to the next whereabouts of Orochimaru. Orochimaru was his ex-member and when he left, he made Sasori rather cross. Sasori implanted a spy with Orochimaru and at the designated spot and time the spy was ordered to meet Sasori there, but Sasori knows that Orochimaru would have been joining him and the spy. It was his plan to engage Orochimaru and kill him along with the spy. Judging from the situation, I can safely say that this information is accurate," I finished.

Tsunade's eyes gleamed. "... This will be our chance... Mm... You are dismissed for the moment, Miwako. I will need time to think over this."

"Hai, Obaa-chan."

As I turned to leave, I could hear Tsunade bark an order towards the nearest ANBU. "ANBU! Collect Jiraiya ASAP and bring him here."

"Hai, Hokage-sama!"


I sat by Kakashi's hospital bed, humming a tuneless song as the chakra-exhausted shinobi read his porn. I was preparing his meal on his nightstand—salt-broiled saury and miso soup with eggplant—when a quiet knock at the door had me pausing in my work. I glanced up at the doorway. Shikamaru stood there, a bored expression on his face. He stared at Kakashi another moment before nodding.

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