Who? | J.A

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You were helping Jeff study in the library. Your phone kept lighting up, but you chose to ignore it and continue helping Jeff with his studies. Your phone lit up again.
"Sorry, just one sec." you opened your phone and scoffed when you read the message. You quickly replied, only to get an immediate answer. You couldn't handle the conversation anymore so you just got back to helping Jeff.
"Okay babe, if you are given the angle of a triangle and one side length, how can you find one of the other sides?" You questioned Jeff. He sighed a loud sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"I don't know." He stated.
"Babe.... Just think about"
You watched his face for any sign that he knew it--but there wasn't one. He shook his head no, and you nodded understandingly. "It's okay, so the ang-" You were cut off by your phone lighting up for the thousandth time. You flipped it over to see who it was, but instantly turned it back over not wanting anything to do with who it was.
"Who is it?" Je worriedly asked you.
"Nobody." You quickly said. "We need to get back to studying if you want to stay on the team Jeff"
Your phone went off and you looked at the screen and mentally gagged--and your face showed it.
"Seriously, Y/N who is it?!" Jeff asked, his voice raised slightly, but still a library voice
"Jeff. It's no--" You were interrupted by him taking your phone

 It's no--" You were interrupted by him taking your phone

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"Jeff no!" You said your voice cracking.
Jeff opened the messages and began to read them. You watched as he read the messages his facial expression turned from confusion, to sadness, to complete anger and rage.

 You watched as he read the messages his facial expression turned from confusion, to sadness, to complete anger and rage

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"How long has Bryce been texting you this way and why didn't you tell me?!" He whisper-yelled

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"How long has Bryce been texting you this way and why didn't you tell me?!" He whisper-yelled.
"Jeff I didn't want you to worry." You said trying to calm him down
"Yeah well I fucking am!!" He whispered, but you could hear the loudness in his voice, "Come on. Were not doing this here." He said packing his stuff up as he threw it carelessly and roughly into his backpack, while putting your phone in his letterman jacket.
You followed him outside to the parking lot, and the whole walk you could sense the tension.
"Why?" Jeff said tears in his eyes, "I need to know when stuff like this happens so I can help! I can't protect you when I don't know what's going on Y/N!!!" He yelled, letting out a deep breathe at the end.
"I know. And I appreciate that. It's just Bryce is an ass, okay? I didn't want to bring you in it because I know you guys are friends, and I don't want y'all fighting because of some stupid crap he said to me." You explained.
"Yeah well he can forget about being friends" Jeff said harshly. He pulled your phone out of his jacket and started typing.

 He pulled your phone out of his jacket and started typing

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He handed you your phone back and you read the message. You looked up at him-- his face showing mostly anger along with sadness and remorse. He grabbed your hand looking down at them and started fiddling with your fingers. "If he so much as lays a finger on you Y/N" Jeff tells you while slowly shaking his head, and still looking down at yalls hand. Each word came out strict as though it were a command. He takes a heavy breath in, shaking from anger. "I'll fucking fuck him up Y/N" He looks up at you. His face showing all signs of seriousness.
"Jef--" You begin
"No. I will always protect you. I don't care who I have to fuck up. I don't care about the consequences. I don't fucking care what I have to do. I will always do whatever i have to for you. I love you Y/N and I'd give my life for you."
He cupped your face and kissed you with more passion than he's ever kissed you with

~pt. 2?????

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