Duty in Gehenna

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Yay a new chapter, took me long enough. Hope you enjoy this one just as much as the other chapters.



Cross Academy

Hikari's POV.

Then I felt it, a sixth sense warning me that something was happening in my forests.

I felt my clothes transform instinctivly and closed my eyes, my powers bubbled inside me.

Normal POV.

The guardians closest to Hikari got some distance as they saw her clothes transform. 

Now she wore a strapless top that showed her stomach, above it was a clothing piece that only had one sleeve, there was no left sleeve.

In place of her skirt where shorts with a long skirt that reached her ankles and only covered her right leg.

She had knee-high boots and on her head was a headpiece that hung before her head (circlet), it was silver with at the end a tear shaped pearl.

All of the clothes were white only the diagonal stripes at the end of her sleeve and her skirt were blue and variants of purple.

There's also a thick belt that hung diagonal around her waist that was also white.

Hikari's POV.

I had stood up while my transformation took place, I opened my eyes which were an electric blue instead of dark brown.

I saw the shocked faces of the others, except Mukuro who looked kind of satisfied.

I stretched out my rigyht arm and saw my blue flames swirl around my arm slowly forming my bow.

Ignoring everyone else I stepped away from the couches  and opened a portal to Gehenna.

My portals were differrent from the ones father uses, you could look through my portals into Gehenna, that's mostly how I kept an eye on my forests.

They also seemed more like rifts or rips in space, I am logically ripping through time and space to get to Gehenna.

It's a trick that I learned from Mephisto, I looked at one of my forests as it was being destroyed.

Normal POV.

The Vongola looked at the portal that Hikari just went through, Mukuro went and stood before it.

"It's been long since I saw this place." Mukuro said as he looked into Gehenna.

The others looked at him in suprise, what did he mean by that?

"What do you mean Mukuro-sama?" Chrome asked the question that all of them wanted an answer to.

"This is the first realm, Hell. Or how the demons know it, Gehenna." He said once he fully faced them.

This silenced the Vongola, they looked at the portal and went forward to look into it.

They saw a big dark forest that stretched beyond their vision, none of them thought that Hell could be so breathtaking.

All of them looked for Hikari and found her in a clearing with tree stumps and what they thought to be demons destroying the forest more.

Hikari's POV.

I approached the demons fast, they better stop or there will be a big punishment.

"Stop, immediately!" I yelled, gaining their attention.

"Why's that?" One of the demons asked cockily as he crushed another tree.

I gritted my teeth at hearing another tree crack, my anger only bubbled.

I let out a low animalistic growl and began my attack, I kicked one of them hard and made him fly away.

Preparing to attack the second one when I suddenly hear and approaching sound.

Turning my head to the source of the sound I see that it's the demon that I kicked away.

He jumped and I avoided fastly, jumping on a branch. Now hidding in the trees I prepared an arrow.

A blue arrow forms on my bow, I lift my bow. Having my target in sight, the third demon.

I released my arrow, letting the tension in my body go. 'Bullseye!' I think as I see my arrow hit my targets back and he erputs in blue flames.

Normal POV.

The Vongola look in amazement how Hikari fights the demons they see her dissapear and a blue flaming arrow hit its target.

They're shocked when they see the shot demon erupt in blue flames similar to the ones Hikari had.

But the question was, why was she fighting those demons? Was it because they destroyed the forest?

Why was it Hikaris business that they destroyed that forest? These questions swirled through the Vongolas heads.

Yamamoto kept looking at the blue flames, what kind of flames were they?

They didn't look like rain flames and definitly didn't have rain flames characteristics.

He kept focusing on the flames but stopped and started searching for Hikari.

Hikari's POV.

I jumped out of my hiding place and went towards a demon, I landed on his back and immediately pushed of again.

I flipped in mid air and landed in a crouched position, I stood up fastly stretching my bow while doing so.

An arrow formed and I pointed before me where the demon stood, I fastly released my arrow.

The demon was hit between his eyes and also erupted into blue flames.

The third demonwas behind me and swept its claws towards me, narrowingly dodging I jumped on its arm and ran up to his shoulder.

Just when he wanted to hit me for a second time I pushed of again and was upside down in the air.

While in mid air I stretched my bow and didn't wait to long to release it.

For a third time my arrow hits its target and the last demon erupted in blue flames.

I landed gracefully on the ground, I held three fingers before my chest.

"I hereby send these three demons found by crime of destroying nature. To the underground prisons." I said as my three fingers were engulfed in blue flames.

With that the blue flames surrounding the demons connected and they disintegrated into blue flames. 

The demons where gone and peace returned, I let out a relieved sigh and looked up at the portal.

The Vongola where standing there calmly observing me, Mukuro once again looked satisfied.

I jumped from branch to branch higher and higher, I did a last jump  and I was inside the dormitorie again.

I felt my clothes change again and my loose hairstyle go in a ponytail.

Reborn looked at me suspiciously while the others just looked curious. 

"I'll explain later." I said, reassuring them an explanation.

"You better do." Reborn said back as he eyed me one more last time.

That's it for this update. I'm gonna you inform now but before I write everyhting down on wattpad I first write it on paper before typing it over, currently I have 22 pages of this story and we're at page 11 so we're halfway. See ya (^0^)/!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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