Take 1: "My armpits were sweating out lava"

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Take 1: "My armpits were sweating out lava"

"Showbiz is a place full of actors, actresses, artists, and musicians etc. that light up our televisions whether we're all alone in the living room or with a whole flock of our annoying relatives that we love regardless. Whatever the season the showbiz industry will always make us smile or let loose some tears to stream down our ugly, crying faces (let's face it, who looks beautiful when they're crying?) or even make us laugh that we somehow end up doubled-over on the coffee table wheezing like Wheezy the Penguin in Toy Story. Well I end up like that anyway, I don't know about you.

The thing is: I loved how it always did that – it almost seemed like magic. So being the 10-year old little girl I was, who got dazzled by the light of showbiz, I set up this lifelong goal of becoming one of those people and pursued being in the showbiz industry. As I grew up, the goal disappeared of course since we come to those adolescent years and the road wasn't easy to drive on with its bumps, but I finally got here." I let out a breath and smiled at the interviewer behind the camera, resting my arms on the armrests of the chair. I was doing this for work, yes, but I always wondered if interviewers ever ran out of questions. It was so hot in this room that my armpits were sweating out lava, if that was possible, but I had to look cool and collected which was easier thought than done.

"What do you think of the title the public gave you, 'The Actress of the Century'?" The interviewer asked another question once again, pausing only to adjust his glasses. I gulped and tried to give him another smile but my armpits were just so hot...

"To-To be honest I feel honoured but I don't think I really am worthy of the title. I mean, there are so many actresses out there who are so much better than me. But if the public thinks that, then so be it, I'm grateful for the support and the faith they've given me," I answered then gave another smile that was directed at the camera this time, proud of the speech I gave.

The interviewer seemed to approve of my speech as well for he gave a little nod and a grin at my direction. I think I even heard him mumble: "An angel on the inside as well..." I sheepishly smiled at him and he looked at his notebook once more. No more please, have mercy on my pits. I really needed to go to a bathroom right now.

"Okay, Miss McGarden, one last question..." He trailed off, staring at me in a serious manner with his fingertips all 'I need to get to my mind palace. Get out' kind of way. Like Sherlock Holmes from that British TV series, Sherlock. "Is it true that you and Mr Redfox are dating?"

Silence filled the air as tension slowly sneaked in.


That literally hit me in the face with shock. Imagine an iron dropping on your face and it was heated to its maximum power, that's how it felt.

Was he talking about that egotistical playboy back from my elementary and high school days that somehow became an actor and somehow became my rival in the industry and somehow became my new love partner in a new drama/soap I was starring in that my agent thought was a good idea? If yes, then someone better hold me back because the lava pouring out of my armpits just increased to its own maximum power! And this time it's full of anger!

I frickin' hated the guy not only because of his disgusting personality but he basically was my first crush when I was in 2nd grade and my first relationship too (and that was in the same grade, yep), but he crushed all that when he used me for donuts! Donuts! I know that was all back in elementary but I just couldn't let it go. The nerve of that guy. Then high school came along and I was a pissed teenager all throughout because I was hoping he'd turn into poo but turned into a hotty instead, picking on me in the hallways, always telling me I was a midget. If he wasn't so big, I'd have squashed his face by now. He even forgot who I was and the 'Donut Incident'. Ugh just thinking about it now makes me want to pop little girls' balloons and rip them to shreds.

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