Take 2: "I followed her around like some stalker"

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Take 2: “I followed her around like some stalker”


“What are you doing, idiot? Get on with it,” Levy basically commanded from the passenger’s seat, her head resting on it and her eyes closing for a nap as if she actually owned the very vehicle. She was acting oh so familiar with my car when it was her first time riding in it that I flicked her on the forehead, causing for her to wake up from her short slumber looking like a pissed chicken and pinch me on the nose.

“Ow, ow, ow! Let go, shrimp!” I yelled because it really did hurt. She had some strong fingers for a midget, I’ll tell you that. Cursing, I grabbed her arm and brought her closer to me.

“You want to walk home in the rain, huh, shrimp?” I threatened, instantly regretting that offer I made earlier. I mean, what was I thinking? I really shouldn’t have asked her – she was already annoying me but at least she wasn’t as annoying as this rain. With a pout, she withdrew her hand and turned to face the window and I had to admit she looked quite cute in the process.

So with a sigh, I finally revved the engine and drove out of the parking lot, passing familiar sights and sceneries of our beloved city – but it was ruined from the rain of course. Everything looked dull and miserable, almost making me feel sorry for the place.

The rain had gotten harder by the time I stopped at the first red light – it sounded like angry neighbours were knocking on my windshield upset about the cat pooping in their backyards or something – which didn’t help my growing headache. With one hand, I gently massaged my temple.

“H-Hey,” Levy suddenly piped up, “you okay?” She asked as I glanced at her only to find her staring at me with a slight look of concern on her face, which of course caught me off guard and I almost lost hold of the steering wheel at the same time when the lights turned green. I gulped and gripped the wheel tighter, looking away from her adorable expression. No, no, not adorable. I should just stop. Yep, stop thinking unnecessary thoughts and focus on driving. Yes, Gajeel, yes.

“Yeah,” I replied, my voice suddenly turning croaky and weird. I reached for the radio, simultaneously keeping an eye on the road as I pressed the play button that would enable the CD to start playing music that I was fond of ever since I was a kid. Feeling relaxed and content, I leaned even further in my seat and listened to Chopin’s Raindrop Prelude, a smile etched on my face.

Laughter erupted beside me and I actually parked to the side, away from the road, to face Levy and questioned her on what was so funny. She had an arm clasped around her stomach and continued to laugh but even when she stopped, she still had an amused expression on her face.


“What about me?!”

“The-The f-fact that you listen to classical music! It’s hilarious!”

“There’s nothing wrong with listening to classical music!” I protested. I knew that a guy like me didn’t seem like the person who would listen to Beethoven and Mozart and stuff, but I do! There’s nothing wrong with that!

“I know, but with the amount of piercings on your face, you don’t seem like someone who’d listen to classical,” she replied, already erupting into another round of laughter. My eyebrow twitched and I gritted my teeth. In light speed, I reached across and trapped Levy in a headlock.

Squirming she slapped my arm and flailed about, struggling to get away. “Aren’t you stereotyping a bit, shrimp?” I ruffled her blue locks and grinned evilly.

“Ugh Gajeel, let go! Let go!” She screamed and tried to push me away but only succeeded with nothing. I chuckled and finally let her go, driving back into the road again. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Levy with messy hair as she tried to fix it back to its original state. Smirking, I turned up the volume.

The Shipping that Hated its Own Shipping [Gajevy] [GaLe] (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now