Chapter eight: Distance

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I'm using these pictures for Karma's parents(It's how I pictured them)

I'm using these pictures for Karma's parents(It's how I pictured them)

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"Akihiko Akabane."

Gakushuu stared at the man in awe. This was Karma's father. The one who has been hurting him. The one that has been causing Karma so much pain. The one that's led Karma to cut himself, to have so much doubt about his self-worth. I'll kill him for hurting Karma...

Akihiko was leaning on the table and rubbing his jaw, as if trying to sooth the pain Gakushuu had caused by punching him. "That was a hard punch," The man said while smiling, "You said your name was Asano, right? As in related to Gakuho Asano?"

The blonde held Karma close to his chest. "Yes, why?"

"I know him, that's why." Akihiko smirked at him with his chin up. Gakushuu was starting to see the similarities between him and Karma. "What month is it?" Akihiko asked to no one in particular. Then he turned to Karma. "Karma, what month is it?" He asked again. Gakushuu could feel Karma shaking in his arms. "It's December..."

Karma's father sighed. "Aren't your friends here then? Sea, Kiyo, and that other kid... Uh, what's his name... Zane, right?"

"Yes," Karma squeaked out. 

Akihiko looked at Gakushuu with cold eyes. They were the same pale-gold colour as Karma's. "Karma, get your stuff; we're going home." He said, still glaring at Gakushuu. Karma was gripping the blonde's shirt tightly, refusing to let go. "No! I'm not letting you take him!!" Gakushuu yelled. 

"Give me my son, Asano-offspring."

"You don't act like his father, so why even call him your son, you twisted son of a bitch?!!?!"


"You've hurt him! You've caused him to consider suicide!! Do you just not care about that?! Do you not care about him at all!?!! You're so fucking twisted!! You're sick!! You can come get him once you've figured out how to be a good father, you fucker!!"

Akihiko just stood there for a moment, looking really bored and un-amused at the situation. "You done?" He said after a while. This irked Gakushuu, but he said nothing. Karma's father walked over to the two teens and yanked Karma out of Gakushuu's arms by his hair. The redhead yelped, but otherwise said nothing. "Karma!" Gakushuu grabbed Akihiko's wrist and tried to loosen his grip on Karma. 

The redhead's father kicked Gakushuu away. "G-Gakushuu.." Karma squeaked out, trying to reach for Gakushuu's hand. Akihiko slapped the blonde's hand away and walked out of the Asano household, taking Karma with him. 


Gakushuu sat on his couch with his head in his hands. Karma's gone. Akihiko took him away from Gakushuu. The young Asano had called Karma's friends over to his house to tell them what had happened. When everyone had arrived, he told them. Sea had been the most effected by Karma's 'kidnapping'. 

Sea had been biting on his thumb for the past seven minutes, it had started bleeding a while ago. "I'll kill that impostor of a father..." He mumbled. 

Everyone in that room wanted to. Gakushuu felt so weak. Why couldn't he do anything? "Akihiko didn't use to be like that..." Kiyo said, running his hands through his hair - he had taken off his beanie earlier. "I know." The blonde said. 

"I want him back," Gakushuu said firmly. 

Sea grinned evilly. "We're getting him back. And getting rid of Akabane Sr. once and for all."


When the two Akabanes got to their home, Karma was thrown harshly to the floor. "Pack your shit," His father said, "We've got a plane to catch in the morning." Karma looked at the ground, wanting to know why they were leaving and where they were going, but didn't because he was afraid of what his father might do to him. "Brazil." Was all his father said once he noticed the look on his son's face. 

Karma was scared. 

"G-Gakushuu..." He whispered, "Save me, please..."


Sorry for a short chapter, I wanted to build suspense. The next one will be longer, I promise.


Sea: What do you mean your Karma?

*laughs nervously* T-til next time, friends...


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