17/Where the hell have you been?

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"Let's go to the beach"-Shawn randomly says as we stay layed down on the bed.My head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around me

"What?"-I ask unsure if I'd heard it correctly.

"Let's go and take a walk at the beach "-he repeated-"And eat some ice cream"

"Okay"-I nod as we both got up.Luckily,unlike the last time,this time I had already put my clothes on

I go over at the bathroom and brush my hair,which if I may add,were a mess.That's what Skylar would call sex hair.God I really miss her

I go out the bathroom and see that Shawn is already ready.He was wearing a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants

"You look so cozy"-I comment as I ran to hug him.He chuckled as I jumped onto him,he placed his hands under my thighs,keeping me up while my legs wrapped themselves around his waist.I placed my lips on his,my hands resting on his shoulders.I felt Shawns tongue slide against mine and god..I'm pretty sure he could kiss a dead person back to life.That's how good his kisses were

I ran my fingers through his hair-"Your hair are so fluffy.Don't cut them.At least not yet"

He nods smiling-"Okay"

I get back on my own two feet and get out of the room.Shawn behind me.Since we didn't want any one seeing us,regarding the fact that there were paparazzis down at the hall.We decided that we both drive our own cars so there was nothing suspicious that would spark rumors

I walk before Shawn does and leave the hotel.I enter my car and start the engine waiting for Shawn.I see Shawn walk through the hallway followed by a lot of flashlights and people

After taking a couple of pictures with some of his fans he waved them goodbye before entering his car.The drive to the beach was nearly one hour long,which I spent singing along to Ed Sheerans new album

I park the car as the parking place that was the nearest to the beach.Shawn parks too and he gets out his car.He stretched out arms

"Gosh"-he groaned-"I feel so stiff "

I roll my eyes and laugh at him-"Well ,it was your idea to come to the beach.We could've just stayed cuddling in the hotel"

"No,it's better we got out.We will clear our heads a little bit,take a break from all the shit that's surrounding us"-he breathed out as we started walking through the beach -"Your birthday is coming up soon"

I smiled and clapped my hands in excitement-"Yes! 7 days left until I'm officially 18"

"It's supposed to snow for your birthday "-he tells me-"How about we go ice skating that day?"

"I would love to!"-I smile-"Nora says you're pretty good at ice skating"

He chuckled shaking his head-"Yeah.I used to play hockey when I was in Canada"

"You miss your home don't you?"-I asked him as he started walking, intertwining our hands

"Yeah"-he admits-"I miss my home a lot actually.I miss my parents and my sister."

"Hey,you'll see them soon"-I tell him as I pull him in a hug

"I know"-he smiles,caressing my cheek.He placed his lips on mine,giving me a short sweet kiss-"You know I love you right?"

I nod-"I know"

"Good"-he placed his arm around my shoulder. Hours went by fast ,before we even knew it it was already afternoon .Shawn and I spent the day at the beach running around,eating ice cream ,Shawn giving me piggyback rides and making out while laying in the sand.

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