Australia x Male reader (Hetalia)

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Requested by Country-of-Arendelle

It was Halloween and the countries had decided that this year they would be throwing their traditional Halloween party. They made sure to do so every year or else it wasn't traditional. Australia in particular decided to dress up as a sheep because he loved them and his country was the leading producer of wool in the world. He got to look adorable and rub his profit in the other countries faces.

"Haha I'll bet the food will be delicious as long as I don't eat England's cooking! I need to keep an eye out for what Switzerland makes though." Australia laughed as he got in the taxi he was taking to the party. "Umm sir we don't allow pets." The driver stated eyeing Australia's kola. The Kola then proceeded to hiss and claw at the driver causing the man to cower behind the wheel. "A-actually you can keep him. Just don't let him near me." The driver gulped before speeding towards America.


"Just in time." Australia sighed walking into the large building. "Hello~ Australia~" A drunken France sighed happily before walking into a wall causing Australia's Kola to smirk evily. "G'day France!" Australia smiled passing the now unconscious man.

"-no England cheeseburgers are not a health crises here. People honestly don't eat enough of them that's why everyone's sick." A burger dressed America was arguing with a vampire costumed England.

(Y/n) had dressed as a Shepard this year since his country had began to do very well in that kind of business. They helped out sometimes in their neighboring country Australia or as the country's say (y/n)'s 'big brother'. (Y/n) was doing his best to avoid Russia who had dressed as a bear, one of Russia popular animals. The Russian man seemed to love (y/n)'s costume and kept squeezing him and calling him cute. Yet the hugs were painful and the man always carried a dark aura that scared the (h/c) haired male.

So that's why (y/n) was dashing through the crowd at this very moment not really paying attention and Australia at this point was a bit tipsy but he could still do things on his own.

(Y/n) was almost to the exit when he ran into Australia knocking both of the down. "Ow." Both males groaned out before Australia helped (y/n) up. "I'm sorry mate I didn't see you coming." Australia slurred. "No its my fault." (Y/n) sighed noticing his brothers state. "Hey (y/n)?" Australia asked suddenly a goofy grin on his face. His Kola was missing but when (y/n) heard a scream in the crowd he knew it hadn't gone far. "Hmm?" (Y/n) as timidly.

"Are you my little Bo peep?"

The cringe.

The cringe and OOCness is real!

You guys can request any character and I'll see what I can do! Just remember to tell me if it's a female or male reader. -Ace out!

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