5 - I didn't take you for the bad boy type

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Earphones in my ears and phone in my hand, I walk in the corridors of the now almost empty school. There are a few kids around but basically, almost everyone is gone home or to hang out with friends.

I sigh thinking about how I could've been at Kat's house, our Monday afternoon tradition has lasted from the start of primary school. Instead I'm here, on my way for detention, and no doubt everyone there will be those sad, depressed type who deliberately be bad in class.

Oh wait, I forgot. I am one of those too.

I reach the detention class, which is literally just a small teachers office which is no longer in use. I guess not many kids in school have the nerve to do anything that lands them in here.

I pull out my earphones and enter the class with a sigh. The room is small, with 5 desks facing a chalkboard, and a petite, tiny girl who looks smaller than me is sitting behind the teachers desk. She's wearing baggy black jeans and a floral cardigan, and her hair is tied into a bun resting at the nape of her neck.

I smirk at the sight, and she finally notices me. Her cheeks flush a deep red, which only widens my smirk.

I can be so mean sometimes.

She introduces herself as Miss Montgomery, and tells me to take a seat. Thats when I finally notice the 4 people who's actually there, a guy from the next grade who has a tattoo of a skull on his arm, a girl with dreadlocks and a pierced nose, Becca, a girl from my Chemistry class, and right at the back, Hayden Williams.

Damn. It's his second day here, but he's in detention? I smirk, and as my eyes sweep over him, he looks back at me.

My god, his eyes. It feels as if those piercing ice blue eyes can see right through me. I quickly look away and try to keep my breathing normal, because it's been beating faster since about a minute ago.

I grab the seat at the back of the class, which is the only one left...which happens to be right next to Hayden's. My breath catches in my throat and I cough, earning a glare from the dreadlock girl.

I slump down in the seat, and then notice what's written on the board.

"write a page about why you are in detention and what you'll do to improve yourself".

Seriously. Miss Montgomery must be kidding.

I roll my eyes, and Hayden's voice whispers in my ear. "I didn't take you for the bad girl type," he says, and my breath hitches at the close contact.

I'd be lying if I said that I'm breathing normally, and that him being so close doesn't affect me in the least.

"I didn't take you for the bad boy type," I retort, and Hayden smirks.

"You don't know me."

"Do I want to?"

Hayden laughs, "Touché."

I let go and laugh too, and Ms Montgomery throws me a dirty look. I swear she was fine with Hayden laughing a second ago, but she's not when I do.

He has a cute laugh, I guess. I wouldn't really blame her.

Hayden smiles, "I've still got the vouchers from the mall, you know."

"You should use it," I say, not catching on.

"Nah, it gave me a reason to talk to you again." Hayden smiles when I look at him, and my breath catches in my throat.

He's got a stunning smile.

I shake my thoughts away. I'm not the kind of girl who'd walk into a room with the intention of falling in love, the kind of girl who'd date a guy if he asked.

Hell, I don't even believe in love.

So instead of flirting back, I abruptly change the subject. I watch Hayden's expression but he doesn't miss a beat, and deep down I feel a pang of something, but I don't know what.

Instead of returning to our original topic, I tell Hayden that I loved the way he sang during Music class. I can't believe it, but a light blush colors Hayden's cheeks, and I just about die.

I'm staring at him rather unattractively, and Ms Montgomery raises an eyebrow at me. I sneer at her, rolling my eyes.

Hayden says thanks, and asks me what sort of music I prefer. I wrinkle my nose, "No actual genre, I suppose, but I like sad songs." I hold up my hand, "Not the kind where the singer cries and bemoans the fact that he cheated on his girlfriend and he's sorry, but..." I shake my head, "I'm crap at explaining this. You know, singers like Gabriel Knight, or Conor Maynard, or even Shawn Mendes a little?"

Hayden grins, the corners of his lips quirking up. "I guess that's why you liked the way I sang?"

He laughs, and I join in. I hadn't realized that he sang the exact way as Gabriel Knight and Conor Maynard, but he does. Hayden's voice was soaked in sincerity but; coated with a deep feeling of brokenness.

Hayden smiles. I haven't seen a smile so genuine like his in a while, and laughing so freely is an amazing feeling.

Our laughter fades away as Hayden's eyes turn intense, and as they pierce into mine, I look away.

It's not worth it. He'll walk away eventually; they all do.

No matter how different this one seems.


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Question of the chapter: Do you believe in soul mates?

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