The ceremony.

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I looked up at the stage, where Sarah and Pyro' s coach were finishing off their speech.  It was actually happening, it felt so sudden, I didn't feel ready.  But, I knew that I'd never feel ready, ever.  Better now than later I guess...  Later, I'll just be even more nervous.

     I could see behind the stage curtain a bit; the sky, and part of a tree because the stage wasn't closed off.  Not to mention that it was outside, only put up a few times every year. 

"And now, we're proud, and honestly a bit sad, to give you," Sarah said.

"this year's new protectors." Pyro's coach finished.  There was a round of applause, and I felt Pyro tense beside me, he was nervous too.  I reached out and patted his hand in what I hoped was a comforting gesture.  He looked at me and smiled.

"First off!  We've got Pyro Imsler, I'll let Grem take this one, because Pyro, was his student!" Another round of applause. "And Pyro, you can come on up here." she smiled.

Pyro hesitated, then stood and walked up to the stage, weaving in and out of those that hadn't noticed him to move aside.

     'Grem' Pyro' s coach spoke up as Pyro made his way over, "Well, I don't got much t'say bout Pyro, 'xcept dat he's was a great student, an dat he's gonna be an amazin' pr'tector.  An' dat he's special, in more 'an one way, first off, he's bin such a great studen'  at he gits ta choose 'is par'ener!"  More applause.  "Anoth'r thing at makes Pyr, 'ere so special, well, I think I'll let 'I'm show you 'imself if ya didn't a'ready know."

Pyro, now on the stage between Sarah and Grem, looked out at the people around him a little nervously.  Then he held out his hand, palm up, and lit a flame.  


Why did he need to remind them all about me?  I was perfectly fine without so much attention brought to me.  At least, not with the village people, what if the ones that don't know think I'm a freak?

I looked at the small flame in my hand,  it seemed so small...  too small.  Screw it, they can think what they want.  Since when have I cared so much anyways?

     I enlarged it so that my hand was engulfed.  Then, just as Coach... 'Grem'  started talking again, I got an idea, and his words blurred as I thought.  What if I could throw this... make It explode mid air... And blow it out before it touches anyone?  Or, even better-  an urgent whisper stirred me from my thoughts, "Pyro?  Pyro!  You okay?"

"Wha-?  Oh, yeah... I'm sorry, I was just thinking."  I closed my hand, too dangerous to experiment here.. and extinguished my flame.

"Alright 'en. So, d'you accep'?"  I was taken aback: did they even need to ask?  Why else would I still be in the fight school?  Unless of course, I was only aiming for a lower rank guardian, or other position in the village...

"Y-yes.  I accept"  I almost asked why they needed to ask, but, it was a ceremony, and I needed to stay serious.

"So, I think we all know the answer, but... who are you going to choose, from the weapons area, to be your partner?" Sarah spoke then.  I smiled, it was obvious to anyone that knew me, or Scarlett for that matter.

"Scarlett.  Scarlett Shkehll."  And as I said that, I lit a ball of flame, and tossed it in her direction.   I guided it through its course as best as I could, something I'd never really tried before.  And tried to drop it on her, praying that I wasn't wrong.


Okay.  That, was very unexpected.  What did he have in mind, tossing a ball of flame at me?  Give everybody a heart attack?!  It sure seemed like it at least.

     I felt the fire land on my head, it didn't hurt; he would never let it, but it did sort of tickle.  Everybody around me, no, everybody period, was staring, mouth agape, at me or at Pyro. Many were gasping.  It felt like it was sinking in to my head, and spreading throughout me, then I realised that it was. I looked down at myself, and I was glowing.  What was this?

"Ah.... can come on up too..."  Sarah's voice was faint, still recovering from the shock of seeing, well... whatever this was.

     I stood up, and smiled at Pyro, he smiled back faintly, wait.. he hadn't known what would happen?  Okay, I'd needed to talk to him later, but for now, I needed to get to the stage without fainting.  I took one last glance at Pyro, it seemed he was whispering with Grem... about what? And started forwards.  Chairs scraped aside to let me through, creating a narrow path for me, which I daintily stepped through. At it's end, I hopped on to the stage, where I moved to stand by Pyro.


Good Lord what had I just said to Coach?  Those types of words were most definitely not supposed to leave my mouth, especially not when I was talking about Scarlett.  Scarlett, my best friend!  Why why why?    Okay, I'd just need to trust Coach- Should I call him Grem now?to keep quiet.  Oh please just keep quiet, don't tell Scarlett...

     What had I been thinking anyways?  I thought back on it for a moment...  throwing the fireball, Scarlett... glowing.  Coach leaning over to whisper in my ear,  "I coulda sworn y' d said y'didn't like 'er Py."
"I did Coach, were just friends."
"A pretty thing like that? I doubt it, an' if y'really don't, y'all will sooner or later'.  Can y a'leas admit 'at she's pretty'?"
"Pretty?  She's beautiful!  ..."  Coach clapping me on the back saying,
"Told y'so"
                                         *end of flashback*

Do I even think of Scarlett that way?  No, I don't.  We're best friends.  And she surely doesn't like me.  Wait, she was right beside me!  Is it me or is she glowing brighter..?  I managed another, somewhat faint, smile on her direction, and hoped it looked reassuring, she disliked being on stage for public events, it scared her.  She smiled back and turned to look at the crowd, her face surprisingly serene and calm.  Did she get over her fear?  She must have, she's totally calm. 

     Sarah, with a bit more colour in her face, and having found her composure, addressed Sacrlett, "Scarlett, will you accept the role of being one of the village's new guardians and partner to Pyro?"  Her glow seemed to be slowly dissipating, and I noticed a slight waver in her voice as she replied,

"Yes, I do"  As the words left her mouth, she seemed to relax a bit, maybe she hadn't quite gotten over her fear yet. 

     Sarah took Scarlett' s arm as Coach took mine, and they raised our arms in unison, the crowd cheered and clapped and stomped their feet.  I noticed Scarlett beside me,  the strange glow almost gone, and she looked pale, her eyes wide, and her legs trembling. So she isn't over her fear... But what was that before? She didn't seem scared at all....

I reached my free hand over to hers and held it, to remind her that she wasn't alone up here. My eyes met hers as she looked up in surprise, when she saw me, her eyes relaxed in to a look of gratitude and she smiled, I smiled back and nodded, I understood.



Thank God Pyro is up here, I'd probably faint without him there, never was that great in front of a crowd...  So why was I fine before...?  I looked down at my hand in Pyro' s and realized, I wasn't glowing anymore.  Had my sudden bravery come from the flame within me?  Maybe it did...  Can his fire do anything else...?

A/N What do you guys think about a new title?  'Gust' was never what I wanted the title to be, but I had to put a title so...  what do you guys think about 'Surefire (Book one)' (ok, sounded better in my head, but, y'know) or 'Crystal flame'?  I'm open to any ideas and/or thoughts you guys have for the title, it all helps =)


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