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Soon we arrived at a home in the middle of no where. I didn't get a good look at what the house looked like. Since I got sprayed in the face with chloroform again.

By now I was used to it. I woke up dizzy and everything spinning around me. I was laying on a couch in a room with only a book case, with one bed, and a small bathroom.

Although in the corner of my eye I spotted another figure. It was another person.

The person Hedwig was talking about. I immediately jumped up at looked at the boy. He looked roughly around my age.
He had short brown hair.

"Who are you?" I ask looking at the boy.
"I'm Joshua, but you can call me Josh. Who are you again?" He asks me. His voice hoarse from not speaking for a long time.

"I'm Casey."

"Do you know how to get out of here? I was just walking and boom I wake up here," he says looking around the room.

I've got to say. This room is much more nicer than the other I was kept in a while ago. This one seemed much more homelike.

There was a skylight above showing the sky. And there was an actual clock in here as well. Finally I will have something that will keep time.

"Sadly I don't know a way out. But just don't try anything dumb. It's not worth it," I say leaning back on the couch.

"You make it sound like this isn't your first time getting kidnapped," he jokes. I'm able to let out a light smile.

"It's my second time getting kidnapped from this guy, although he does have different personalities," I say.

"That explains why he was acting different," he says. Josh walks over to me and sits down next to me. Up close you can see the dark freckles in his eyes.

"The one who kidnapped us is Dennis. He has OCD. There's a young boy named Hedwig, there's a fashion designer named Barry. Patrica the lady who scares the living crap out of me. Don't get in her way," I warn Joshua.

"Are there any more personalities?" He asks.
"Yeah. I just haven't encountered many, yet."

It's calming finally having someone to talk to. You start to go crazy after you don't have much communication with people. Plus he could be a good help when we find a way to escape.

I'm betting on the Skylight. If we are able to push the glass off and crawl up onto the roof. Then that could be a possibly escape route.

Joshua and I are able to get to know each other better. I actually found out that he only lived an hour away from me. It didn't really feel like I am kidnapped and held in a room.

It felt like as if a teacher left it's classroom and everyone just did what they wanted to do and said what they wanted to say.

"So this Dennis guy. You kissed him?" Joshua asks. I brought up what had happened last time I had gotten kidnapped by Dennis.

"It was all for my plan to escape. No actual feelings for him," I say. But really I knew deep down inside I did have feelings for him. I was just too unsure of them come out about them.

"Do you know if there are others that were kidnapped as well?" I ask. Maybe we can help get them out as well.

"Nope. I mean at least I don't think so. I haven't heard anything."

"We will just ask Hedwig," I say. Hedwig will defiantly tell me if there are other people here. Since he does tend to say things that he's not suppose to say.

"I actually never realized it but why do you look like you were in a car accident? Did he hurt you or something?" Joshua asks looking concerned. He saw the small cuts and bruises that were on my arm.

"I was in a car accident. Literally. And no Dennis didn't hurt me," I say. Joshua's expression changes as he is relived to know that I'm somewhat okay.

Everything is silent as if time stood still. I stared into his eyes as he did to mine. How did this moment come upon us? As if I just fast forwarded time to this very moment.

Everything seemed like it was going in slow motion. As if we both knew what to do. He slowly leans in as I do too.

Before I knew it our lips were together. It was a quick kiss. And after I felt all jittery like I had just drank a ton of energy drinks.

Although kissing another person who you are kidnapped with is not the practical thing it just happened and I liked it. And I've only known this kid for a few hours and we kissed.

I'm not saying this will ever be a real relationship but it could turn into something other than a relationship.

Like maybe a good friendship. I'm sure when we get out of here we could tell great stories about what happens in here. Only if we ever make it out.

But there was still that feeling I couldn't shake. Talking about what had happened last time I was kidnapped brought back different emotions and feelings towards curtain people. And I had a feeling that these curtain feelings towards curtain people will soon be played out.

Holy shet that last paragraph though. Can y'all count how many times I said feelings? I just have no other word I can use 😂
Sorry for late updates I've just been super busy lol. I'll still continue to update everyday though :)
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(Sorry if things don't make sense or have grammar issues. I did not go over this chapter)

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