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I really wanted to live a good life with Dennis and the other personalities. I had faith in them that this personality was just a hoax. I was slowly being treated better. I wasn't always stuck in this depressing room. In fact I was able to walk around the house the other day without being pushed back inside the room. Things are slowly getting better day by day. I had a feeling that I'd be soon face to face with the 25th personality and I was ready. If it had to be a fight or a odd conversation. I was deeply in thought about random things, since all you could do was wonder about things.

Someone had came into my room. I peered up to look at who it is. It appeared to be Hedwig who was in the light.

"Hi Hedwig," I yawned as I sat up. He looked worried. "Casey! You know the others right?" He asks sitting on the floor crossed legged.
I nod wondering what's going on.

"They told me some news!" Hedwigs face had turned from worried about something to totally excited over something.
"What did they say?"

Hedwig smiled and looked at me. "They said he wants to talk to you," he giggled. I knew exactly what Hedwig meant. It was the 25th identity. The one who tried killing me and tried to turn everyone against me. He wanted to talk to me though. But why?
"When is he going to talk to me?" I ask the happy child. He smiles again, then the smile slowly fading away.

"He wants to talk to you now. I-I have to go!" Hedwig runs off. I was nervous about what would happen. No one would be able to stop him since everyone feared him. I stared at the door waiting for something to happen. I shook in fear of the unknown. Then the door opened. I covered my face with the blanket afraid to even look. To see if everything everyone had said about him was true or not. 
"You untouched soul," he sang out. I was trembling. I had heated that he had the same beliefs of the beast, feed off the impure. I had no idea what that meant but it sure make me frightened.

"Reveal yourself. You think you could manipulate us. Your plan worked but it's about to backfire." I slowly placed down the only thing that was protecting me. I looked at him. He was taller and much more buff. His expression was in a permanent angry look. His fists were clenched. He breathed loudly and he stood up straight which made him look even taller.

"Look at you." He shook his head. "I don't know what you have against me but I've changed," I plead hoping that he sees that I've changed a lot since the last times. If he was even in existence.

"No, you didn't. Look at you still pretending to be in love with Dennis. Still pretending that you'll give him a happy life with you and Ella," He rang out with a grin.
I began to get angry myself. Saying these things that obviously were not true.

"Leave Dennis and Ella the hell out of this," I yelled. "You don't love him! Just admit it! You've pretended! Don't think he doesn't know. He's just waiting for his chance, to kill you both."

I didn't believe it. I couldn't. He walked closer to me. I stood up and held my ground. I'm not going to let him hurt me. Although I was terrified I still maintained myself with no tears.
"You untouched soul, you think you're so tough." He shakes his head again. "I've been hungry for impure meat for a while. You look like a great meal," He laughed. I feared for my life. He charged towards me getting ahold of me. I squirmed around frightened at his touch.

"If no one else can do it I'll do it myself." He growled. I kept on punching and moving doing whatever I could to get out of his hold. I did a few times but I was only brought back. Still no tears fell down my face.

"You silly impure's. The beast couldn't do this, but I will." He breathed loudly. I reached over for a glass vase that sat on the ground. I don't want to badly hurt him since that means I'll be technically hurting all 25 personalities. I ran to the vase and threw it at him. Glass shards flew everywhere. It stunned him for a few moments which gave me time to grab something else. My hands shook as I reached for more items to throw.
"That's enough!" He yelled. I ran away from him but he caught my shirt and dragged me in the floor. I heard the rip of threads on my shirt ripping. My arms and abdomen burned as it was dragged on the hard floor.
"Before you die. I hope you know that no one loves you," he said squeezing my leg. It felt like an extreme leg cramp. I yelped at the pain it was causing. I whimpered giving up all hope. His nails dig into my skin. I feel my warm blood slide down my leg as it begins to go numb. It was the only way my body had to shield the pain from me. The streams of blood still slid down my leg.

I was shaking as I saw my own blood on my leg. He was crazily looking at it looking as if he was about to eat my leg off.
"Get off!" Scream flipping over onto my back trying to kick my legs. His eyes full upon my abdomen. His crazed eyes soon softened as his grip around my legs loosened dropping them to the floor. I still lied there shaking and in agonizing pain. I looked down at myself and saw that he was looking at the scars from all the years I was with my uncle. It brought back unsettling memories that I had tucked away for many years. Although there wasn't as many visibly scars there were a few years ago.

He slumped down looking defeated still looking at me. I was confused yet still fearful. He fell to the ground groaning. It looked like the became smaller and back to a normal human size.  Instead of looking I looked down at my leg. I couldn't even see where the blood was coming out of. It continues to bleed. I knew the natural numbing would soon wear off and that's when the pain kicks in. It tingled making me worried of how bad it really was.
I looked back a whoever was in the light. They turned around looking at me. Their eyes filled with terror.

"Casey," he mumbles coming over to me. "Who's in the light?" I asked feeling lightheaded as I calmed myself.
"It's-its Dennis." He picked me up and placed me in his lap. I closed my eyes not wanting to see any blood. I was still confused and frightened. My hands still shook.
"Y-your leg," Dennis trailed off. "I-I can take care of that later," I mumbled. I held onto his hand that was covered in my dried blood. I started to cry feeling overwhelmed with emotions.
"Don't believe anything he told you." I get a feeling of reassurance from Dennis. I had a feeling that I was out of trouble and I wouldn't have to deal with that personality ever again. Dennis kept his promise on making sure that I don't die. So now it's my turn to do things I promised, and it all starts with a family reunion.

Next chapter will be the end...

I've been thinking about making a second book, but it won't be so "action packed" but more of an after life, after everything is over? I don't know yet but give me suggestions for a second book!
If not I'll do an epilogue. Y'all it's so hard to transition the characters. Like for Dennis I slowly made a change in who he was as a person. Also for Casey.

Prepare for next chapter! I'm already starting to write it and I cried😂

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Love you all!!!

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