Chapter 15

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"Jeremy? Addison? Logan? What the fuck is going on?" Benoit and Sadie ran over there.

Addison saw the girls and let go of Jeremy, not before whispering something. Logan and Addison were still glaring at Jeremy.

"Uh, What just happened?" Sadie asked, eyeing all three of the boys.

"Nothing babe. It was a misunderstanding. All taken care off, are you hungry? I'm starving let's go." Logan walked over to Sadie draped his arm around her and tried to get her to walk over to cafeteria but Sadie wouldn't move. She thought about it for a moment and just walked away with him, she wasn't going to fight with him in front of them, especially Jeremy if he made Logan feel uncomfortable. She was going to figure out what the hell is going on when she gets him alone. As for Benoit, that wasn't going to fly well.

"Tell me what happen. Now." She growled looking at the two boys. Jeremy looked a little frightened but Addison just had a smirk on his face.

"Or what little girl?" He asked. Jeremy just scowled at him. Benoit was about to yell at him when Jeremy cut him off.

"I'm late for physics. Bye." Jeremy looked at Addison and mouthed something before he walked away.

"Tell me Addison!" Benoit wasn't able to control her anger for much longer.


"Tell me, right now Addison."


"Fucking tell me!" 

"No." He was grinning at her now.

"Is this some sort of game to you?"


She started to walk over to him, she was about to yell when her head started to hurt really badly. She stumbled back.

"Woah" She grabbed her head. She lost her balance totally and expected to fall, and hit the ground. Be totally hurt, and go to the hospital again. She closed her eyes, waiting for it to happen when she felt two strong hands on her back, she opened her eyes and saw Addison. 

'He's so beautiful. To bad he's a jack-ass. Why does he keep helping me? His eyes.. Lately I found my self to think about him all the time, maybe I'm falling in lo-. No. Not at all. Snap out of it. You don't love Beni, you don't even know what love is.'

"Are you okay?" He asked his eyes filled with fear. She cleared her throat, and they were just looking into each others eyes. Both of them felt really warm where they were touching. Benoit snapped out of it.

"Let me up moron." She snapped. She couldn't love someone. Not again, not after she got hurt so many times..

"Oh yeah sorry." He slowly let her up, still looking into her eyes.

'What is this feeling I have for her?' Addison asked him self, 'Love? No. She doesn't even love you back, don't be stupid.'

"Let's um, go eat." Benoit huffed. Both of them lost there breathe. Addison just nodded. They walked to the cafeteria, and right to there table where everyone was waiting for them. All the guys looked worried. Obviously Logan told them.

I sat down next to Angela and Sadie.

** Logan & Addison P.O.V***

"Dude, okay what happen?" Cole asked.

"Well, me and Log were gonna go get the girls. And then Jeremy came walking by with a smug face, and he was like, 'So Log, your luck you got Sads, but Add what's with you? Can't get this bitch?' And I lost it, I couldn't stand it, he was threatening us, and to take the girls away from us. The thought wasn't nice.. I slammed him into a locker and he was still smirking at me, which made me more mad. He was like, 'Next party there at, expect them to not want you anymore. I have Benoit right were I want her, just like all my other bitched. Don't get use to them for them fuckers' And then the girls cam running up, I just told him to keep his mouth shut and we will deal with this later.."

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